Married Lessons

A Much Needed Date Night!

Last night, Pace and I were able to go out on our own, all by ourselves, for what I believe was the second time since Chase was born. Darin and Nada came over around 9:30 pm, and we sort of asked/told them to watch Chase while we ran to Smith’s for a pie ingredient I needed. I finished feeding Chase, put him in Nada’s arms, and we skittered on out the door. We went to Smith’s to get whipping cream, holding hands and laughing all the way. But don’t worry, the excitement continues! We then decided to go over to Smart Cookie for some cookie ice cream sandwiches and milk (yummm). We sat outside on the lawn, eating and getting “reacquainted.” We even looked at the stars and cuddled for a few minutes (yes, just good old PG-rated cuddling). It was amazing how much closer we felt after that short time without Chase, and it is something I have wanted to do for a while now. I know for sure that date nights and even occasional weekend getaways are essential for the health of a marriage, especially when kids dominate your lives the rest of the time, some tension can build, and couples can slowly grow apart. Soon we’ll probably have a regular date night so that it remains a priority in our lives. I look forward to many more dates to come with my best friend!