
Plain Old Vanilla

I’m copying Josh Porter by writing a little about the fairly new vanilla Frosties at Wendy’s. I think they’re pretty good, if you like plain vanilla-flavored things. Supposedly they’re trying to target young adults by having a new breakfast menu and introducing this vanilla Frosty. Seems ironic because usually young people seek for flashier things, not more plain and simple things. But whatever, some people don’t like chocolate (heaven forbid) and also it’s nice to choose which flavor rather than always getting the predictable chocolate Frosty. I think this vanilla one basically tastes like soft serve ice cream, or a chocolate Frosty with vanilla rather than chocolate flavoring. No matter what, it beats a plain vanilla shake from any of the other fast food chains! Go ahead and try one today! (Wendy’s should pay us for this.)


Our first donation!

We wanted to give a special tribute to the first contributor to McBlog.


If you’d like to follow Jason’s lead, please scroll down and click on DONATE to McBlog


What a Clever Child

FeetiesWhat a clever child our little Chase has grown up to be. I feel very motherly writing about this, so that title was kind of a joke. But kind of not, actually. Chase has some entertaining new tricks! He can now hold onto his toes with his hands when he’s lying on his back or sitting. It’s really cute! He grabs onto things all the time, such as my hair, and won’t let go (now I know why mommies like to chop off all their hair). He gets fussy at times, and the only thing that will console him is going outside. But he also laughs more now, especially when Pace comes home and puts on a little “Daddy Show”. He seems to get a bit bewildered when we’re around lots of people though, because he won’t smile and definitely won’t laugh when we’re in groups or crowds. He pays attention when I read stories to him, especially when I sing the book “I’m So Glad When Daddy Comes Home”, which was given to him by Grandma TMom. He drools a lot, blows bubbles with the drool, sucks on his lower lip, and goes “bbmbmmbbbmbmm” with his lips (like the car sound). He also slept through the night last night for the first time in quite a while! I hope that’s a little trick that he will continue to do. Another thing is that when we lay him down on his back, he raises his head and his legs up off the floor, as if he’s trying really hard to get up and walk around. It’s pretty funny. But at least he’s giving his abs a workout– cause he’s definitely turned into a little chubberboy!

Married Lessons

Oh My Beloved Pineapple

Yesterday we had Jason McGowan over for dinner, and we had some delicious pineapple with our food. It was soooo good. Pineapple is either my first or second favorite fruit. I also like to keep it in the kitchen for a day or two after I buy it because I think it is beautiful. (We got it at Wal Mart for 1.98; what a great price!) Anyway, back to my story… We ate it and ate it… soon there were three tiny chunks left. Then we all realized that our tongues were burning as if we had drunk some scalding hot chocolate. That was how I described it. The men compared the feeling to having just licked a battery. I have never done such a thing, so I wouldn’t know. But the lesson learned here was that “moderation in all things” is really a good idea.

Caption Contest

Caption Contest

Yes, McBalderdash and a caption contest! I know it’s a high demand of creativity. But when I saw this picture on for baby blockers, I had to put it up.




Balderdash rules (for those who’ve never played): “The main objective is to make up answers that will bluff or entertain other players, as well as for choosing the real and often unbelievable answer getting the most made up points. ONE answer per person. Save discussions for the scoring post.

  • WORDS- What is the definition?
  • PEOPLE – What is the person known for?
  • INITIALS- What do they stand for?
  • MOVIES- What is this movie about?
  • DATES- What happend on this day?”



“Goin’ to Carolina in my Mind”…

… No, actually for real this time! We’ve been looking for cheap flights to North Carolina for a while now, and we finally found some legit cheap tickets from Vegas to Charlotte. Even though the family don’t know it yet, we’re going to North Carolina September 12-20th! Yeah we’ll have to drive to Vegas the night before and crash at someone’s house, but it’s worth the extra effort for Pace to go reminisce in his old house before it’s sold and for the Southern side of the family to see Chase! So watch out, y’all, here we come!