
Chase is Okay

Hey faithful readers, just wanted to report on Chase’s 9-month Well-Baby visit to the pediatrician today (a little past the 9-month mark, but that’s okay). First of all, I took him to a new pediatric office, and I liked it WAY more than the place we were at before. So that’s good. They have a sick child waiting room and a well-child room, so you don’t have to have other kids coughing up phlegm all over your perfectly healthy kid. It’s a very good idea in my book. And all the nurses were smiling and personable, which seems to be too much to ask at some of the other doctors offices we’ve been to.

Anyway, Chase is perfectly healthy. I think we take that for granted sometimes, that he is really healthy and has had only 2 colds in his life. So now it’s been confirmed that the sleep problems aren’t due to any medical issues. It’s good to know that we aren’t torturing him too bad when we let him cry in his crib several times a night (although Cotton the baby expert would tell you otherwise).

Chase is 29″ tall (75th percentile), 21 lbs. (55th percentile), and his head circumference is 45.6 cm (60th percentile). He has only gained a pound and a half since his 6-month visit, which was interesting to me, but I think he’s just gotten taller and not any chubbier (he has been referred to as a “chunk” and “solid”). So he’s a healthy, happy boy (well, not so happy when being put in his carseat or when having his diaper changed). The doctor commented that Chase is probably going to be a big kid, based on his early growth patterns, and that his name is appropriate because he’ll really keep mommy busy (Chase had to explore every nook and cranny and pushed the rolling chair around the room before we were out of there). We didn’t get any major answers about the sleep issues, but the doctor gave me some papers on the topic. We’ll keep trying in that area, and if nothing works, we’ll have to be referred to a sleep doctor in SLC. But we’re glad to know Chase is okay for the time being!