
Our Cutie Boy

I just wanted an excuse to post a few photos of our now 18-month-old child! Where has all the time gone? I don’t know. But what I do know is that we have one busy, cute, entertaining boy. Yesterday I found Chase sitting contentedly in the bathroom sink (see photos). I think he wanted to put makeup on like Mommy does. Apparently he got up there by climbing onto the toilet, stepping on the toilet paper thing, and pulling himself up. Hence the nickname "little monkey." I think he’s been watching too much Curious George in the mornings!

The sweater photo is one I snapped this morning when I was trying to round him up to take him to the doctor’s office. He’s had cold after cold already this season, which I suppose can be traced back to nursery (always the culprit). But yesterday, he started having a bit of a croupy cough (I don’t really know how to spell it– I don’t reckon I’ve ever written that word in my life). The guests we had over for dinner commented on how he was breathing like Darth Vader, which he was. So after a sleepless night of crying and wheezing and coughing, I took him to his wonderful pediatrician. In the car on the way there, I told Chase that we were going to the doctor, and he said "Hi Doctor!" However, he was no longer excited when the nurse put a mask over Chase’s face so that he would breathe in some medicinal vapor to open up his constricted throat. That didn’t really go over as well as the nurse had anticipated, what with all the kicking and screaming. So then he was disturbed further when they injected some more medicine into his leg that would help keep his throat open for the next little while. Apparently he has a more severe form of the croup than I ever remember having! The doctor said that if Chase didn’t seem improved by tonight, he should go to the hospital. Luckily, he seems a lot better than he did last night. We are just keeping the humidifier going, exposing him to some cooler air, etc. Let’s hope this thing doesn’t go on much longer!

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