
Our Recent Creations

Last week, Chase and I made those cupcakes that look like ice cream cones for a pre-camp activity I had at church. The funny thing is, I had these at a primary activity once, when I was like 8 or something, and I remember I thought they were the best things ever. So that’s why I decided to make them for the girls! It was the type of thing that took longer than I thought it would to get them completely done, but luckily the Young Women at mutual appreciated them! Oh, and Chase did, too!

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Chase made a little "sculpture" or something here; I had him set the table for dinner, and he just got a little sidetracked with the utensils. Pretty funny, I must say!

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Pace and I have been working on the yard, and it’s almost done! We just need to get more mulch from the yard waste place, but luckily it’s only 5 bucks a load so it’s not breaking the bank (like the play area kind of did). And I also have decided that I LOVE irises, because they are low maintenance, yet they have been blooming in such splendor lately! We have a little garden, too; we’re doing tomatoes and bell peppers this year. Chase loves playing outside!

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And this one is a stretch, but my sis Rachel has "created" a rather good "friendship" with a guy named Adam. We like him pretty well! I took a picture of the two of them yesterday, despite their pitiful protests.