
What I love about my family and yours


I love my family. They are so good to me. Chase is so honest and open. He is willing to tell me all sorts of things, like how it’s not dark enough for bed time; and how the food I make him isn’t as goo das mommy’s; and how I’m not allowed to sing a goodnight song b/c mommy does it better. Today we were sitting in the chapel at church and something I ate yesterday wasn’t agreeing with me. So I secretly tried to relieve the gaseous pressure into the cushioned seat I was on. Ahhh success, I felt much better and no one nearby heard anything that would lead back to me. One second later, Chase who was on my lap, said at normal Chase volume. "Smells like someone went poo poo." I’m positive that my uncontrollable giggle tipped some people off that it was me that smelled like I went poo poo. Ah my blessed boy.


My wife is equally a blessing. She always says I love you and does nice things for me. I hardly ever say I love you to her first. Not b/c I don’t want to, it just never crosses my mind to say it first. She makes me cookies almost every week (this week she made those awesome hersey kiss in the middle ones), and she doesn’t care that I get fat b/c of them. She thinks I’m sexy even if I’m not, and she likes just watching tv with me. What a wonderful companion I have. She laughs at my not funny jokes and really laughs at my funny ones. She makes me spend money on her, and she spends lots of money for me. (but not as much as other women).

Thanks for being so amazing family.

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