Chase Adventures

Okay Maybe He’s the Center of Our Existence…

…But look how cute he is when he sleeps! When I see him in his restful state, I am overwhelmed with love for this little boy. This is also the moment when guilt rushes over me regarding any impatience or annoyance I have had during the day. I love kissing him and smelling his sweet scent while he sleeps.


Oh but when he’s awake, it’s a different story; he can dive into all sorts of interesting things! He found some long-lasting lipstick the other day when we were at Becky’s, and smeared it all over his face, hands, and shirt. He also just dumped a whole jar of homemade strawberry jam and a bottle of Propel into the sink, for no apparent reason, which was a little frustrating for me… But he can also put his creativity to good use; he likes to make piles and "castles" with rocks:

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And I came across this piece of apple juice artwork the other day in the kitchen, created by Chase alone.


Much to Pace’s satisfaction, Chase often prefers being with Daddy now, instead of back when he mainly wanted Mommy all the time. Chase loves when Pace gets to stay home on the weekends. The other morning Chase slept with us in our bed for about an hour. When he woke up, he sat up and smiled, and with his eyes still closed he said, "Good morning Mommy" and turned and said "Good morning Da– HEY! Where’s Daddy?!?" He had opened his eyes to see that Pace wasn’t there, and was slightly alarmed. But he was fine after I told him that Daddy had just gotten in the shower. 🙂 They love to wrestle each other, but they also like to cuddle while watching tv. It’s pretty adorable when Chase "pets" Pace’s head.


One of Chase’s favorite things to talk about lately is his birthday, even though he’s only halfway through the year to age 3. Today he said, "For my birthday I want to go to Wendy’s." We thought that was a great idea! 🙂 Sometimes I light a candle and sing happy birthday to him. He waits ever so patiently, and then blows out the candle the moment I end the song. He loves this game!
