

Kids say the darndest things, and sometimes I actually remember to jot down a few things that Chase has said that make me smile. Here are the ones I wrote down last month:

– “My mommy was tough at the doctor’s office.”

– “Sometimes I’m shy.”

– “Want to hear the funny song I made up?”

– (very sternly) “No, I’M in charge.”

– (running to the toilet all by himself, with one arm raised up in the air): “Because I’m SuperChase to the rescue!!!”

– “Check THIS out!” (and then he does some sort of stunt)

– (in a strained voice) “My body hurts from exercising. But exercising is great for me to do.”

– “Someone went poop on Daddy’s shovel.” (Pace’s shovel was caked with mud)

– (sniffed me) “You smell like FLOWER TREATS!”

– “Settle down. Take a chill pill.” (he’s heard that from Daddy once or twice)

– (I touched underneath his chin) “That’s my injury apple. Please don’t poke it.”