

My brain is too fuzzy to think of a better title for this blog entry! Anyway, it’s been a week and a half since little Charlotte was born, and things have been going pretty well. I’m really tired, because newborns are tiring, but luckily my recovery has been amazing this time around, and we’re also glad to have Grandma T. here to help out. (My dad and Gino were here for a few days, too, which was great!)

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But sadly, Grandma goes home soon, and after that, we’ll see if I survive… But I am happy to report that baby Charlotte is such a calm, sweet baby! I love smelling her baby scent and just holding her close. She’s a pretty good eater and a great burper, and only wakes to eat about 3 times at night, which is SO great. Actually, she sleeps almost all the time, unless she’s eating, pooping, burping, being jumped on by Chase, etc.

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As for big brother Chase, he loves Charlotte very much, and he’s quite cute with her. However, he tends to enjoy smothering/squishing/”loving” her a LOT. He has definitely noticed that I don’t spend as much time with him as I did before, so he’s been acting up and wanting to be with me every second just like before, including when I go to the bathroom. I really hope he adjusts over time so I can rest a little even after Grandma leaves!

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Everyone has told me to stay home and “hibernate” for the winter so Charlotte doesn’t get sick… But it’s such a dilemma; I’ve been SO antsy and we’ve already gone out at least 6 times! It’s been nice to have the extra hands of my mom when we go places. I’ll probably have to start the “hibernation” after she leaves!

It is still hard to believe that Pace and I have two children now. We can already see that Chase and Charlotte have very different personalities, and we love them both so much!

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