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I’d say they look related, wouldn’t you? (I already know that my mom and Amber will agree! They’ve been pointing it out all along!)

The first photo is Chase when he was 4 months old, and the second is Charlotte at 2 1/2 months. I’ve seen mostly differences between Chase and Charlotte as newborns, but these photos show how alike (in appearance) they seem! However, Charlotte’s eyes are lighter, and her hair is definitely darker than Chase’s was (she has a little mullet in the back where her hair is clearly brown)! I think she might be bigger than he was, too…

Okay. Looking at these photos, I just had yet another moment when the thought hit me, “What? I have two children? Where has the time gone? Am I not in high school anymore? guess not.”

I had one of those moments earlier when I was taking Chase to a Sports class at The Little Gym (which was awesome, by the way). I thought, “Do I really have a child who’s old enough for me to be carting around to such activities? guess so.”

I am realizing, now that Chase is turning 3, that the time really does fly by. I mean, it’s great that Chase is at this age when he can do so much all by himself– there are benefits to having a child get older. But right now I am also really cherishing Charlotte in all her baby glory. This time around I’m not anxiously awaiting the next milestone, even though milestones are fun. But I just love babyhood! You may stay a baby as long as you’d like, Little One!