

YUM. Pace bought us 2 boxes of the most amazing cookies ever– Samoas. They used to be called something else… Caramel Delights I think? I LOVE them. I even used to order them from MYSELF. Yes, they take me back to my girl scout days when I was the top seller in my troop, probably because I skipped the door-to-door approach, busted out the ward list, and sold to most of the people on there… Yeah that would help. I remember Art Hollingsworth always bought 6 boxes of Thin Mints! Thanks to my dedicated mom for helping me deliver all those cookies so I could get that coveted special patch on my sash! Oh my.


if you don’t slow down you’ll be thrown in the garbage.

Today as we were driving up the freeway to hang out with Becky and the girls, Chase yelled, “Mommy slow down!!!” When I asked him why, he responded, “Because I don’t want the policemen to come and get us and take me away and throw me in the garbage.” I laughed and told him the policemen wouldn’t do that because they are nice, and he said “Well policemen are nice AND mean.” …. And I didn’t have anything more to say about that! 🙂 Especially as my thoughts flashed back to high school, when that butch policeWOMAN gave me a ticket at 6:30 am as I rushed to seminary….


Windy Morning Adventures

Day before yesterday I took Chase to a free trial gymnastics class to see if he would like it. He desperately needs something to do besides follow me around all day and check out the window in case anyone is playing outside (very slim chances). So after the gymnastics class, he said he’d had fun but didn’t want to go back. Alrighty then… Next week he’s going to try a Sports Skills Class which I think he might enjoy more!

Then after a couple of quick errands, we went to the playground at the library. It was super windy, but Chase had a good time… until I saw him doing something that looked like a headstand, which was actually him falling on his nose. After consoling him, I took the kids inside for Story Time, found a little room where I could feed Charlotte, and Chase followed me in there. Suddenly some of the lights went out in the library, including those in our little room. No big deal.

Later I heard some moms saying that they were out at the playground with their kids, when they heard what sounded like a gunshot. It actually only turned out to be a power line that had snapped somehow from the wind, and had fallen on the playground! Yikes. The parents screamed at their kids and went inside the library to find most of the power out. The library staff decided to close the library for a few hours, so everyone was leaving. I didn’t think much more of it all until I was stepping outside to brave the winds and go get in the car… And there were the maintenance guys, working right above our minivan!

Yes, the other part of the power line had been dangling above our car. We had to wait a while inside the library ‘til they finished fixing it. We were fine with that; we sat and read some books, but it was funny because all the library staff and city workers passing by asked if we were okay and if we needed anything! Now that I think of it, I should’ve asked them to go get me a steak, or a sundae or something… haha!  I was just glad that no one got hurt.  And even without the use of the computer, we still got to check out a few dvds (50 cent fee waived—YES!) and Berenstain Bears books. When we got home, we wiped off our dusty windblown faces, had lunch, and Chase went straight down for a nap. What an eventful morning it was!

Chase Adventures

Hairdryer is Not a Toy

I feel very grateful that my two children are alive and well. Besides a couple of very minor colds, we have been completely healthy this winter season (thus far). Also, because of his curious and exuberant personality, I am glad that Chase is alive! Really, I’m amazed that so many little ones make it to adulthood despite all the perilous things around like household appliances, cars, siblings, etc.

The other day I was trying to straighten my hair and I’d had enough of my constant companion Chase getting into all the bathroom things. So I put my wonderful ionic hairdryer on the cool setting and let him “style” his hair. I got back to doing my hair right next to him, until I heard him say, “Mom look at THIS!” WELL he found it amazing that the water in the toilet made huge waves when he put the hairdryer up close to it (like 1 inch away). AAAAGGHHHHH! Heart attack!

I immediately grabbed the hairdryer from him, slammed the toilet shut, told him why we don’t do that, and tried to push away the lingering thought about the “Warning: Risk of Death by Electric Shock” tag I had seen so many times when using the hairdryer. *shudder* So my original intention was to be a “good mom” and let him do something fun and interesting (since he definitely won’t go play on his own), but it turned out to be a scary little incident. And THAT is why I usually resort to my quick, no-maintenance, wavy ponytail! Yes hello Frumpville! haha