Family Fun

Pioneer Day Festivities

One thing that I love about Utah is that there are so many kid-friendly activities going on for special occasions, especially in the summer time. I think this has been the best summer we’ve ever had as a family, because none of us has been sick or pregnant or anything! Also, Chase is old enough to enjoy all the games, crafts, and shows they have going on at these events. Today was a state holiday, but unfortunately Pace had to work anyway, so I asked Nathan and Rachel to come with us to a park in Provo that had all sorts of free activities going on.

There was an antique car show, including this sweet fire engine that we were able to sit on. Chase got to crank the old siren, too. I perhaps FORCED Nathan and Rachel to wear the cute little hats for this photo op!

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We also enjoyed the Pioneer town, where there were people dressed up like pioneers, with realistic cabins, a blacksmith, etc.

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Chase also liked the petting zoo and crafts, but didn’t play any games because we didn’t feel like standing in the long lines… sorry, Chase! He was consoled by the J-Dawgs & frozen yogurt we got afterwards, though.

We missed having Pace along with us, but it was fun having Rachel and Nathan to hang out with. They’re quite entertaining, and always SO helpful with the kids. Glad you came with us, N & R!

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