Charlotte is such a sweetie babe, and I just “eat her up” every day. I’m enjoying this easygoing baby so much! I’m glad she’s happy and healthy. I just have this one question lately… HOW do you keep a baby on a consistent schedule? I have read Babywise, Healthy Sleep Habits, and many other sleep books, but none of them seem do the trick for this girl staying on a good schedule. One thing that I think is helpful is that I don’t nurse her to sleep, like I did for Chase, so she doesn’t rely on that to get back to sleep.
I try to keep things regular (nap in the morning, nap in the middle of the day, and nap in the late afternoon, & regular bedtime). But then, she’ll randomly wake up really early in the morning, bright-eyed and smiley, which is indeed quite endearing. But this early waking throws everything off for the rest of the day (usually she wakes early because she has to poop or something). She’s also been having some short daytime “naplets” (especially when we go anywhere in the CAR), therefore needing to take more “naplets” to make it through the day, which messes everything up for night time. At night she gets up 2-3x per night, which I know is nothing compared to what Chase used to do… I’m noticing a recurring theme around here with my children! I mean, come on guys, I know I’m lots of fun to be around, but it’s okay if we don’t see each other all night long! 🙂 Ideas/similar experiences/comments/advice?