
Out of Small Things…

Something that’s been on my mind throughout this “rollercoaster” of motherhood is that it’s so great, yet it’s also hard! It’s tricky not to get discouraged by all of the daily mundane activities that seem to matter so little to the world. I’m sure every mother knows that feeling! But what comes to mind sometimes, when I am cleaning up yucky messes and answering Chase’s long streams of questions, is the Savior, washing people’s dirty feet and spending time with the Little Ones.

I also feel comforted by the concept of “times and seasons,” as I think about how many of my interests and talents are being buried under the daily care of my little family and home. I often think, “I am such a boring, spacey person these days.” Yet I know, deep down, that motherhood is the most important role I can play right now. I will be able to pursue all of my own personal interests soon enough… I know that my children will only be small for a short, fleeting time, and that I will later regret it if I don’t throw myself into this great work called motherhood.

Here is an account by a young mother who learned a very sacred lesson about this everyday home life:

“It spilled out of me all at once– the frustrations and doubt, even anger, as I struggled to determine my own identity as a mother. I had three little preschoolers, and although they brought great joy to my life and I loved them with all of my heart, I wondered if the endless work I was doing was even important or worth the effort.

“Aloud, I cried to God, almost resentfully, going through my routine: ‘All I do all day is get kids dressed and undressed, cook for and feed them, clean up a million messes, change diapers, care for every physical need, and then do it over and over again, every day. I didn’t know this is what motherhood was all about. I’m tired of it! Is any of this even important?…’

“After I got it all out, I humbled myself and asked for help. I needed comfort and encouragement from my Heavenly Father if I was going to make it. And I needed it now. ‘Please help me,’ I prayed. ‘Help me see the purpose in all of this.’

“Suddenly, I felt the love of the Lord reach out to me from deep within my heart. First, he affirmed me: ‘You are a good mother. You’re doing your best. You are giving your children care and love while they are little. They need you, and you are doing a good job.’ The message gave me much needed affirmation and comfort, but the next impression gave me peace. It came so strongly that I couldn’t deny it was my answer from God: ‘Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great’ (Doctrine & Covenants 64:33).

“I had loved this scripture for years, but now it was meant for me: a struggling, frustrated young mother with three children to care for. The Lord was telling me that I could not afford to be ‘weary’ in my ‘well-doing’– the day-to-day nurturing of my children– which took up so much of my time. These early years would be a foundation for their lives; and from these ‘small things’ would grow something ‘great.’

“Many years later, I now have a clearer perspective, and I’ve even experienced some ‘pay days’… I’ve come to find that no service, love, or work on our children’s behalf is ever wasted; rather, it serves as the foundation for their lives. The Lord’s promise is being fulfilled right before my eyes. Although my children have normal struggles and problems as all children do, they are maturing into responsible adults… I now know that from the foundation of ‘small,’ but significant, things ‘proceedeth that which is great’ ” (quoted in Contentment by Maria Covey Cole, 37-39).