Chase Adventures

Gotta Learn to Love It ALL!

This funny little guy has been more bored now that it’s colder outside, and because we’ve been sick (but we’re not anymore! I’m grateful for that).

This is how I found Chase one morning after my shower– sandwiched between the mattress and the bedframe while watching tv in our room. Comfy!


To help pass the time at home, we’ve done the usual cooking and baking, which I almost always let Chase help me with. It’s a lot messier this way, but it’s something we can do together! I have to take a deep breath, though, when spills like this happen:

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Recently, Chase was hammering and drilling some toys on the table and I asked him (from upstairs) what he was up to. He called back to me, “You know how Santa does it? That’s what I’m doing.” And he proceeded to hammer out the beat of Jingle Bells. He really loves Christmas music.

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He helped out one morning by taking my blush away from Charlotte, who had snatched it out of the bathroom. He’s usually really helpful with such things, but this time he decided to scrape the blush out onto the carpet in his room. “I’m making a collection!” he insisted. Whatever THAT means! I still haven’t gotten the stain out. Any suggestions on that?

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This boy’s current obsession is to make forts with lots and lots of pillows from around the house.

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On this particular day, he also dumped out all the laundry I had just sorted. But I paused before reacting, and didn’t get mad. I’m not always so perfect, but it was one of those times when I remembered that you’re only a kid once in your life!
