Family Fun

Kool-Aid Katastrophe.

Hello, blue Kool-Aid tongues! Ah, good ol’ summertime. I’d bought a few packets of Kool-Aid to make scented play dough (I don’t recommend it; it’s too sticky). Chase later convinced me to make a pitcher of it for them and a friend to drink, and I gave in (you know, to be a “fun mom”). They each tried some, and when my back was turned, they attempted to pour some more into their cups.

However, as they poured it, the lid suddenly popped off of the pitcher! It spilled and splattered! Absolutely everywhere. I got them to help wipe it up a little, but basically, I found myself mopping up an entire pitcher of sugary Kool-Aid that was ALL over my kitchen. It really had splashed everywhere… aaahh! So despite the cute blue tongue photos, we’ll be taking a break from the whole Kool-Aid idea for a while!