Family Fun Personal

Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival

When my brother Gino was here, he taught Rachel & me a thing or two about how to use our cameras. I kind of understood, but I’d like to learn more… It seems so complicated! Now, I’m not trying to be some sort of all-star photographer by any means, but I AM interesting in knowing how to take decent photos. Especially because I have such cute kids to take pictures of!


The photo below is just silly. I was trying to get a sweet, sentimental shot of the kids together, but to no avail. Chase just can’t resist large, grassy banks. He enjoyed somersaulting his way on down! And Charlotte was just… running wild. It was great!


My parents took Chase, Charlotte, & me to the very first day of the annual Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. It’s always nice to have my mom along to tell us what the names of the plants are! Unfortunately, the tulips were not yet in bloom or even close for that matter, but good times were had nevertheless. Especially because cotton candy was involved!


Cotton candy is yummy to kids of course, but also to me because it reminds me of when we used to get it at the Sonoma County Fair (way back when I was a kid). For some reason, my parents didn’t want any! What??? My dentist father refused to eat pure sugar!?!


Although there were little to no blooming tulips, at least the daffodils were showing their bright, shining faces. I really didn’t know how to photograph them. The next picture looks like it has some odd Photoshop effect on it, but I’ve never even set foot in Photoshop! I like the effect anyway.


And then there were the beautiful man-made waterfalls! My parents kept marveling at how much $ the Thanksgiving Point Gardens must have cost to build, & to maintain now. The 55 beautiful acres are pretty impressive.

Charlotte enjoyed peering down at the waterfalls from way up above, but Chase would have no part in that. My dad said he didn’t blame him. Chase definitely inherited his grandparents’ fear of heights!



Charlotte is asking these tulips WHEN, exactly, they plan to emerge.  Smile



We were all tuckered out by the end of the outing. *Yawn.*



       Gotta love Charlotte’s little Panty Bum peeking out!