Family Fun


While Joy has been out of town, I’ve been very busy. Both at work and at home. You see it all started when we started discussing where to fit three kids with two rooms. A few months ago we had Charlotte start sleeping in Chase’s room to see how it went and if that would work when #3 comes. Well, it had pros and cons. They did talk a lot more at bedtime but they did grow closer and help each other. There was also the problem that Chase still considered it his room, as he should since none of her stuff was in there, and he liked his privacy when getting dressed etc. So the craziest thing happened. Saturday before the family left I had this idea pop into my head. I immediately texted my buddy who builds stuff and asked for an estimate.

I had the idea to separate the girls and the boys! I figured Charlotte likes to stay awake and talk anyways so she probably won’t mind that cute little baby sister crying all night. And Chase is too old to be showing his privates to his sister, he might start to like it… so they need to be in separate rooms. There isn’t room for bulky bunk beds and a crib or vice versa. *BING* (not the search engine) IDEA! I’ll mount a bed up on the wall so there is more room underneath! Yeah that’s a great idea!

Joy is getting home now and she has NO idea I’ve done this. Am I crazy or crazy smart?

Here is the final product! Chase’s Superhero Makeover

And now, Charlotte needs something really nice and girly.

More high res photos & video coming after the reveal. Stay tuned for Joy’s reaction, make a comment to vote if she’ll love it or hate it!