Chase Adventures

Play (Kick)ball!

The evening before we left for California, Chase had his last kickball game. We were glad he’d had a good time & that he’d had a friendly, patient coach.



In order to keep things simple for all the 5-year-olds, they weren’t allowed to run more than one base at a time or get anyone out. Pace didn’t know that at the first game, so he enthusiastically yelled to Chase to keep running around the bases after kicking the ball. Pace was quickly put in his place by the coach. Smile


Chase was glad that his buddy Jaxon was on his team! (& one kid was missing from the team picture.)


Chase enjoyed the kickball season, but not nearly as much as he enjoyed the soccer season last year. He’ll start soccer in about 6 weeks (along with KINDERGARTEN), and he can hardly wait!