McUpdate Personal

Extreme Makeover: Bathroom Edition

We recently decided (on a whim) to improve the hallway bathroom a bit. I know, we’re always doing something! It’s bad. We need to change. Pace & I decided that we won’t do any home improvements in the year 2012. We’ll see how that actually pans out. (It’s just so tempting when your husband is not only good-looking, but also very handy & can use his manly skills to execute these projects.)

But anyway, back to the subject of the hallway bathroom. The vanity was falling apart, and Charlotte couldn’t turn on the tricky faucet for the life of her, even with my teaching & encouragement. So I always had to go turn it on for her, or lift her up to whatever sink was closeby (not ideal with my large belly), or otherwise she’d just go on her way with dirty hands…

Something needed to change.

Here are 2 photos of our bathroom BEFORE:



Of course, we couldn’t simply replace the vanity & faucet that needed replacing… That would be too easy. So Pace dutifully painted the walls & baseboards while I cheered him on. He also volunteered his dad’s talents & had him replace the linoleum floor with some beautiful tile that I’d selected at Home Depot. Pace helped his Dad out, so they had some priceless bonding time. Jim LOVED coming down to our house several days in a row (haha right, Jim?!?!).

Luckily our bathrooms are TINY, so the whole project was quite inexpensive. In case you wondered about that.

Now, here are the BEFORE & AFTER pictures next to each other:

    IMG_0777             IMG_2318

The vanity is just a cheap one from Home Depot, but it’s perfectly great! The sink/counter is all seamless & very easy to wipe down. Yay! (We still need to get a toilet paper holder thing.)


I can’t even describe how nice the tile floor is. It seems so elegant compared to the linoleum that was there before. Thanks to Jim & Pace for the beautiful tile job (& Gretchen for letting us have her husband here helping us so much)!


AND, Charlotte is thrilled that she can turn on the faucet now. She washes her own hands. Mission (thoroughly) accomplished!