Caroline Charlotte Chase Family Fun

Recent Happenings

Charlotte started Joy School at the beginning of September. It was fun to do Joy School for Chase, & I wanted to do it again for Charlotte! A group of 4 moms from our ward are rotating teaching our kids (and I think 4 is the perfect number for this). Of course there are no girls anywhere near Charlotte’s age, but these cute boys will do!

We were talking about the human body this particular day, & they were figuring out how to make some letters with their bodies. Here they were making the letter H.


This was our attempt at taking a picture of our little skeletons. We will have to try that again soon, but in the meantime, this photo is entertaining. (The next morning, we went out to breakfast while the kids were still in these pajamas, and we sat near a group of elderly men. One of the old guys pointed at Chase and shouted, “I can see your ribs!!!”)


Warning: Photos of Pace’s masculine chest will be seen in the following photos, and feelings of jealousy may be evoked.

Our ward had a big Book of Mormon Fiesta which we really enjoyed. Here are the hams showing off their war paint.



Scary and intimidating!


This is not only a blurry, weird picture, but I also wanted to capture the moment when there were nine kids all playing in Chase’s little bedroom. This is exactly how Chase likes things to be!


Chase is a master gardener & we recently picked our first pumpkin. Pumpkins are extremely invasive and take over the whole entire garden, and then some—that is what we learned this year!


Caroline is the cutest baby!! I know, we all think that about our own babies. I love to kiss her chubby little cheeks and snuggle her sweet, thick hair. OK, enough of that. Here she was stealing Pace’s dried fruit that he was snacking on.


Aunt Jessica (my baby sister) turned 22 a couple weeks ago. Casey did a great job throwing a big party with lots of their friends to celebrate with Jess. I think she felt very loved!




Birthday Buddies (September 7th & 8th)


Caroline is at a fun age. She likes to rearrange the pantry for me. Whatever it takes to safely entertain her while I prepare meals is alright with me!


This picture reminds me of one of myself around the same age, caught in the act of proudly pulling every single towel out of a kitchen drawer. Remember that one, Mom & Dad?
