Charlotte Family Fun

Happy 4th Birthday, Charlotte!


Charlotte had her 4th birthday when we were in California. She was a little disappointed to not have another Tangled Birthday party like last year (Was that only last year? Seems like a long time ago), but she was a good sport about it. We had lots of people around to help us celebrate!

For her breakfast in bed, she requested Cocoa Krispies cereal, juice, berries, and a Mandarin Orange from Grandpa & Grandma’s trees. Caroline of course had to get in on the action, because she’s always hungry!!


She opened a few little presents (we’re so into the “less is more” mode at this point) and then asked where all the other presents were. We told her she had gotten plenty! Poor girl has Christmas 2 days before her birthday.


She got to go with Pace & Chase to see Wreck-It Ralph at the movie theater, which is her very favorite outing! I took Caroline & picked up some donuts for her Donut Cake that she had requested. Pace also stopped to buy Charlotte a bouquet of her choice: Light purple roses. Such a thoughtful daddy!

We all went to Olive Garden for dinner that night, because she wanted Mac ‘n’ Cheese for dinner, and somehow that translated to Olive Garden to the adults!


We went back home to sing to her and have Donut Cake (nothing fancy, just donuts in tower shape).


A few of the party guests:




Rachel & her little daughter… I mean, NIECE.


Seriously, look at their faces! So similar, it’s almost scary. But I’m positive that I was the one who carried Charlotte in the womb.


