I just had a thought as I was washing my face before “retiring” for the night (well, at least until Chase wakes up again, anyway). But my thought was about facewash and other soaps. Pace and I just use hand soap to wash our faces. We use dish soap to wash our hands when in the kitchen. I use hair conditioner to shave my legs. Are these foreign concepts, I wonder? I mean, if nothing else, I’ll just have softer, shinier leg hairs as they grow back, right? 😉 I think that Pace and I partly do all this to save money, but also because I despise having too much stuff all over the place and just choose to simplify. So back to the facewash thing, is facewash really necessary for a semi-clean face, or is it just another money-sucking scheme? I had some acne as a teenager, and none of the facewashes seemed to do a thing. Now, even though I just use plain old hand soap to clean my face, I rarely get zits (probably more due my current hormones, but that’s another story for another day). Besides, facewash containers always claim to be miracle-workers, saying that they clean “deep down to the pores” and I don’t know about everyone else, but my pores are just right there on my facial surface, not deep down anywhere. When I was in Costa Rica, I wanted to buy some facewash, and went to two different stores just to see many store clerks’ confused faces as I asked about it and proceeded to explain what it was exactly. They would always just eventually direct me to the body wash… I felt somewhat panicked at the time, and I think I later found some kind of cleansing face lotion or something weird like that… But it made me think, why do we use facewash? And why don’t we just use one soap for everything, or at least one kitchen soap and one bathroom soap, rather than having dish soap, hand soap, facewash, body wash, body soap, shampoo, leg shaving gel….. etc etc etc?