Family Fun

Fab-egg-ulous (hmmm…)

Easter was pretty enjoyable this year. How could it not be with 3 Easter egg hunts?!? Also, we’re proud of Chase for understanding the resurrection of Christ (partly because that was what his recent primary talk was on). I’m not very into the Easter bunny thing, so unfortunately there was no suspense or waiting for the Easter bunny to come… sad, I know. Chase still believes in Santa, though, despite Pace’s attempts to tell him otherwise.

We had one egg hunt at the park, with some little friends from the ward. I called a few people who have preschool-aged kids, and told everyone to bring a dozen (filled) plastic eggs. It was a better turnout than I had anticipated!

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At Grandaddy and GG’s church Easter party, we were proud of GG who won the “best taste overall” award for her apple pie. There were at least 30 desserts there, so it was no small feat!

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The kids decorated their own Easter bags, and Charlotte actually enjoyed it! She also drew on Chase’s shirt, which did not please him. But he’s such a nice big brother that he forgave her!

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These days we’ve been getting sick and getting better, then getting sick again. I thought we’d be pretty safe from sickness now that it’s April! Oh, well. 🙂