Chase Family Fun

Chase’s LEGO Party



IMG_0006 Chase’s 6th birthday party was a blast! I had him take care of the planning and ideas this year. As you can imagine, he loved being in charge! He told me his ideas & even drew some diagrams. It was perfect, because this way, I didn’t have to research a bunch of ideas online, and I also wasn’t putting effort into things that he didn’t even care about (like over-the-top decorations, little name cards for each place setting, or serving an elaborate, LEGO-themed meal).

This was the order of events he wanted for the party: 1. Eat cake!! 2. Open presents. 3. Play games. 4. Free play time. …Yup, easy enough!




“Throw Ninja Stars at Bad Lego Guy” Game = Big hit with boys (+ Charlotte)!



We did have some decorations. I had Pace print out a bunch of these little LEGO guys & we hung them up all over the place. I drew a LEGO guy head for the front door, & Chase hung up the pretty streamers. Smile

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Some things that I liked in addition to having Chase plan what he wanted to do for the party: Having the party in the afternoon so we had all morning to prepare, not doing lots of decorations, & not serving a meal. That really simplified things & plus, little boys don’t want to sit & eat—they want to PLAY!!!


Family Pics MINUS napping Caroline!
