Charlotte Chase Chase Adventures

Chase’s 2012 Soccer Season (U-8)


I didn’t take a lot of pictures this season! I didn’t want to pretend that Chase had a good ol’ time. He did play hard every time and was the best on his team, not gonna lie. But he didn’t really enjoy playing soccer this year, which was a surprise because it’s always been his favorite sport!

Perhaps he might be getting tired of sports for the time being… Gasp! What?? In his six years of life, I believe the only sports he’s done are: Gymnastics, swimming (2 sessions), ice skating (4x), soccer (3x), kickball, hockey, karate, & trampoline/tumbling. Why would he be burnt out?!?  I mean, come on. Just kidding. I think what he really wants to do is run around with friends all day! So that’s all he’s doing these days after school. And we’re okay with that!


Some spectators, Mollie & Charlotte. Their expressions sum up their excitement about the game.




Charlotte was looking all sweet & sentimental as she was watching Chase’s last game, so I was about to take a picture of her, when she suddenly threw on this spaz face. Silly girl.
