
Bunches of Buddies

We have a lot of boys in our neighborhood and it’s awesome (not for Charlotte, though). Chase is such a social, outdoorsy, adventurous boy, so I’m glad he has a few partners in crime to choose from, just steps away from our house! Sometimes it drives me crazy (like yesterday & today, since it’s spring break), because we’ll often have five extra kids (in addition to our own three) playing at our house and it gets a lot messier and crazier, especially when I give them all snacks and such. But I have to let go & remind myself that it’s worth it to be a fun, safe place for the kids to hang out.


Caroline Charlotte Chase Family Fun

Good Times at Home

Charlotte helped fold some towels. She was excited to learn how to fold laundry and to help me out. Sometimes I forget that kids don’t automatically know how to do things like fold laundry. I must teach them while they’re young, so they can be my good little slaves…. I mean, helpers.


Love those bright baby blues!


Caroline was upset at me for washing her blankie, so I had to photograph the sweet reunion they had after the difficult time of separation.


We had 2nd cousins Jessica & Katelin sleep over a couple weeks ago. They are such fun & energetic girls, yet also very obedient and well-behaved. It was fun to have them over even though Chase and Katelin kept each other up till 10pm, just chatting away. My kids were so excited because right before the girls came over to spend the night, we went and picked out some gummy candy at the store to share with our guests.



I love this succession of photos that Pace took of Chase pushing Caroline around (and how she’s oblivious to how much strain this activity is putting on Chase):


Family Fun

Last Snow Day Before Summer???

Last Saturday, it looked like this outside:


For the last few days (just days after this snowstorm), temps have been in the 60s, therefore my kids have donned their swimsuits and we’ve played in our neighbors’ yard with their fun Slip ‘n’ Slide & sprinklers. Thank goodness for these warmer days and for our neighbors across the street who moved in just a few months ago and instantly became our best friends.

Caroline Charlotte Family Fun

Daddy-Daughter Time

When I was looking through our recent photos, I realized that I had taken a lot of Pace and the little girls together. I guess it’s because I don’t think there is anything in this world sweeter than a good daddy spending time with his little girl(s).


Family Fun

Funny People

Pace & Charlotte taking a morning snooze before work


Last Saturday morning, the kids came in and woke us up looking like this. Charlotte had the bows all the way down the back of her head as well. Chase wasn’t really mad; I think he was just trying to defend his toughness/manliness despite having pretty bows in his hair.



Kids’ faces at Joy School: They could turn their frowns upside down. (There are actually 4 kids total in the class, but one has resisted coming lately.)


Caroline is being brainwashed, I mean trained, at a young age to develop hand-eye coordination & to appreciate the fine art of gaming.


Some scary skeletons watching a TV show





We’ve been eating a lot less meat and trying to put lots of veggies into our dinners. I like experimenting with new recipes that incorporate vegetables. Some are good, some aren’t. This lasagna isn’t exactly low fat, but it’s my new favorite dinner! Instead of using ground beef, I chopped up & sautéed a bunch of carrots, celery, broccoli, onions, mushrooms, & spinach and mixed it into the sauce. Sooo very tasty.



Charlotte Chase Family Fun

Park Day with SuperDad

Pace took Chase, Charlotte, & two of their friends to play at a park a couple Saturdays ago. Pace is such a great dad who does fun things with his kids, for which we’re all grateful!

Here’s Chase with his good friend, Jeffrey. They’re pretty cool guys.




This is Charlotte’s good friend Mollie, who looks a lot like Charlotte.


A quaint little tea party atop the playground—how delightful!


Caroline Charlotte Chase Family Fun

Lazy Saturday Morning



The Queen of Hearts


Charlotte is really into hearts lately. She draws a heart on the iPad, and then asks me to take a picture of her with it. She is already planning on a “Valentine’s Birthday Party” when she turns five in December!

This was a Valentine that she made for her friend Cohen who is obsessed with green.


An angelic heart (with a halo).


Charlotte Chase

Dapper Young Gentleman.

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It was in the last few minutes before church, when we were (and always are) scurrying around, when Chase decided to put on an Old Man cap of Pace’s to complete his church outfit. We started cracking up! It was perfect. Pace took Chase outside to take a few pictures. I wish he had some suspenders, too!

Pace was putting away the camera, when Charlotte asked quietly, “Will you please take a pic-shuh of me too, Daddy?” She enjoys having her picture taken lately, and I guess she was feeling a little left out. Funny kids!
