
Charlotte Noel


This four-year-old girl has such a sweet spirit. She wants to do what is right & avoids getting in trouble. Charlotte is very particular about things; she is so opinionated about what she wears, that I’ve started alternating days with her—She chooses her outfit one day, I choose the next day, & so on. It works for the most part, at least we have less struggles and she doesn’t wear the same exact thing every day. She uses big words & speaks expressively (lots of eyebrow & hand movements), does plenty of “homework,” and helps others. She seems so mature sometimes. Doesn’t she look like she’s like 7 in the picture below?


Caroline Charlotte

Church Girls


We were just about to leave to make it on time for 9am church at my parents’ ward. I walked out the front door to find Pace doing a photo shoot of the girls. Go, Pace! Outfits courtesy of their stylish Grandma T.

Caroline’s day-old hairstyle looks like Cindy Lou Who hair, but don’t worry, I fixed it before church.

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Sorry, WAY too many photos of myself, I know. But in the one below Caroline is actually smiling for the camera! Must include it!!


Caroline Charlotte Chase Family Fun

Good Ol’ Howarth Park

This is a public park somewhat close to my parents’ house, which we must visit every time we’re in town!! It’s extra special because it’s a park I used to play at when I was little (although it wasn’t quite as fancy back then as it is now).



“Swing us around, Daddy!!”


Alright, you asked for it…


Bulging Man Muscles (All natural)


“Again! Again!!!”

(Such a fun guy. Tires me out just to look at these photos.)


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Charlotte Chase

Aw, They Love Each Other Sooo Much…

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I wanted to document these photos because this type of thing NEVER happens in real life!!! I wish it did. These two actually fight all the time, seriously.

Anyway, I think Pace was having the kids do some sort of movie poses on a green screen mat type of thing at Grandpa & Grandma’s, and he must have tricked them into hugging each other for the “movie.” Whatever it was, I’m just thankful for the loving (<rare) photos!

Caroline Charlotte Chase Family Fun

My Snow Babies


It is so incredibly cold lately. Tomorrow is a high of 12 degrees, low of –6 degrees. Yeeeesh! Worst thing about living in Utah. But my kids don’t think so; they like the snow! Even little Marshmallow Girl here.





I’m glad Chase enjoys playing out there so much, since he’s the child with the most energy & needs the physical outlet! It’s fun to see what Chase comes up with when he plays in the snow. So creative. He uses all sorts of things from the garage. There are probably a bunch of rakes, pliers, & tennis rackets buried all over the yard and we don’t even know it.



Charlotte was pretty determined to ride her bike through the snow… She enjoys collecting pretty icicles & likes to play out in the snow for a short amount of time.


More often than not, though, the two little girls are inside the house, staying warm!



Charlotte Family Fun

Happy 4th Birthday, Charlotte!


Charlotte had her 4th birthday when we were in California. She was a little disappointed to not have another Tangled Birthday party like last year (Was that only last year? Seems like a long time ago), but she was a good sport about it. We had lots of people around to help us celebrate!

For her breakfast in bed, she requested Cocoa Krispies cereal, juice, berries, and a Mandarin Orange from Grandpa & Grandma’s trees. Caroline of course had to get in on the action, because she’s always hungry!!


She opened a few little presents (we’re so into the “less is more” mode at this point) and then asked where all the other presents were. We told her she had gotten plenty! Poor girl has Christmas 2 days before her birthday.


She got to go with Pace & Chase to see Wreck-It Ralph at the movie theater, which is her very favorite outing! I took Caroline & picked up some donuts for her Donut Cake that she had requested. Pace also stopped to buy Charlotte a bouquet of her choice: Light purple roses. Such a thoughtful daddy!

We all went to Olive Garden for dinner that night, because she wanted Mac ‘n’ Cheese for dinner, and somehow that translated to Olive Garden to the adults!


We went back home to sing to her and have Donut Cake (nothing fancy, just donuts in tower shape).


A few of the party guests:




Rachel & her little daughter… I mean, NIECE.


Seriously, look at their faces! So similar, it’s almost scary. But I’m positive that I was the one who carried Charlotte in the womb.




Caroline Charlotte McUpdate

Home Life



Tired girl, ready for a nap! Sweet baby.


She’s a picky eater these days, and drops things onto the ground when she doesn’t like them.


I love the big girl jeans. Caroline is such a wonderful baby. I’m glad she still has those pudgy legs, even at 14 months old!

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Charlotte wouldn’t turn & face me for the picture! She wanted to take a bath wearing this shower cap, “because GG has one.” Charlotte gets to spend the night at GG’s sometimes, which is awesome!


I get to have these two at home with me while Chase is away at school. Charlotte & Caroline both love it when they get to have juice instead of boring old water.



“Tea Party” at lunch. We still babysit this little friend at our house once a week.



Charlotte Chase Chase Adventures

Chase’s 2012 Soccer Season (U-8)


I didn’t take a lot of pictures this season! I didn’t want to pretend that Chase had a good ol’ time. He did play hard every time and was the best on his team, not gonna lie. But he didn’t really enjoy playing soccer this year, which was a surprise because it’s always been his favorite sport!

Perhaps he might be getting tired of sports for the time being… Gasp! What?? In his six years of life, I believe the only sports he’s done are: Gymnastics, swimming (2 sessions), ice skating (4x), soccer (3x), kickball, hockey, karate, & trampoline/tumbling. Why would he be burnt out?!?  I mean, come on. Just kidding. I think what he really wants to do is run around with friends all day! So that’s all he’s doing these days after school. And we’re okay with that!


Some spectators, Mollie & Charlotte. Their expressions sum up their excitement about the game.




Charlotte was looking all sweet & sentimental as she was watching Chase’s last game, so I was about to take a picture of her, when she suddenly threw on this spaz face. Silly girl.


Caroline Charlotte Chase Family Fun

Recent Happenings

Charlotte started Joy School at the beginning of September. It was fun to do Joy School for Chase, & I wanted to do it again for Charlotte! A group of 4 moms from our ward are rotating teaching our kids (and I think 4 is the perfect number for this). Of course there are no girls anywhere near Charlotte’s age, but these cute boys will do!

We were talking about the human body this particular day, & they were figuring out how to make some letters with their bodies. Here they were making the letter H.


This was our attempt at taking a picture of our little skeletons. We will have to try that again soon, but in the meantime, this photo is entertaining. (The next morning, we went out to breakfast while the kids were still in these pajamas, and we sat near a group of elderly men. One of the old guys pointed at Chase and shouted, “I can see your ribs!!!”)


Warning: Photos of Pace’s masculine chest will be seen in the following photos, and feelings of jealousy may be evoked.

Our ward had a big Book of Mormon Fiesta which we really enjoyed. Here are the hams showing off their war paint.



Scary and intimidating!


This is not only a blurry, weird picture, but I also wanted to capture the moment when there were nine kids all playing in Chase’s little bedroom. This is exactly how Chase likes things to be!


Chase is a master gardener & we recently picked our first pumpkin. Pumpkins are extremely invasive and take over the whole entire garden, and then some—that is what we learned this year!


Caroline is the cutest baby!! I know, we all think that about our own babies. I love to kiss her chubby little cheeks and snuggle her sweet, thick hair. OK, enough of that. Here she was stealing Pace’s dried fruit that he was snacking on.


Aunt Jessica (my baby sister) turned 22 a couple weeks ago. Casey did a great job throwing a big party with lots of their friends to celebrate with Jess. I think she felt very loved!




Birthday Buddies (September 7th & 8th)


Caroline is at a fun age. She likes to rearrange the pantry for me. Whatever it takes to safely entertain her while I prepare meals is alright with me!


This picture reminds me of one of myself around the same age, caught in the act of proudly pulling every single towel out of a kitchen drawer. Remember that one, Mom & Dad?


Charlotte Chase Chase Adventures Family Fun

Chase The First Grader



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Yes, he’s big now. Yes, he’s gone all day now. It’s exciting! Every day he whines about having to go to school, but I think he kind of likes it anyway. He has a great teacher (Ms. Chatterley), who has been teaching for 28 years.




I get to have girl time with these cuties! We’re also doing Joy School at home with Charlotte & friends. (Weird that when she starts kindergarten, Chase will be starting 3rd grade)!


