Those who are subscribed to our YouTube feed will have already seen this, or on google buzz (Buzz grabs my photos and videos automatically Ty b/c the accounts are linked). I wanted to make it an official McVideo. What’s so cool about it!? Joy took the video and Eyefi automatically uploaded it. Like most of our other videos I wouldn’t have seen this until the monthly SD card dump and then I mighta missed it. SO GREAT! Ty shared on facebook with the tag line: “This is my niece. She just won her high schools senior superlative for ‘Best Eyes’ and ‘Messiest Eater'”
Category: McVideos
Short & Sweet
So I really like this little girl. She’s fun to put to bed, unlike my other child who I love just as much. I have no preference, I promise. But if I get to choose, I pick to put Charlotte to bed.. here’s why:
Chase’s 4 wheeler
While I doubt it is as powerful as Nathan W’s super powerwheels, Chase had a blast riding his 4×4 that Grandparents T got him. Check out this video Grandpa T whipped up:
Chase 4×4 from Pace McCulloch on Vimeo.
Powerwheels are good
Also, this video is embedded using instead of youtube, do you like it better? If you want the video click on it and you can download the original video from vimeo.
Luckily Rachel is getting married and therefore hasn’t faced rejection her entire life, but check out this video where Charlotte completely rejects Rachel on the high five. Classic.
We posted pics and here’s a video of Chase at joy school in his costume.
Who took who?
Uncle Tyler took Chase to Jumping Jacks yesterday, or maybe Chase took Tyler. Anyway, they were both pretty excited about it. Tyler made this great video recapping the adventure. CAUTION: May cause dizziness and vomiting to some of our readers.
Nice job Tyler, and thanks.
Gino’s Dream Date
Charlotte only likes taking baths with Chase. If she is by herself she only lasts a minute. I’m tired and that’s all the intro you get.