
Behold Your Little Ones

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"Do you want a spirit of love to grow in the world? Then begin in your own home. Behold your little ones, and see within them the wonders of God, from whose presence they have recently come." –President Gordon B. Hinckley

"A child loves the smiles of its mother, but hates her frowns. I tell the mothers not to allow the children to indulge in evils, but at the same time to treat them with mildness. Bring up your children in the love and fear of the Lord; study their dispositions and their temperaments, and deal with them accordingly, never allowing yourself to correct them in the heat of passion; teach them to love you rather than to fear you."  –President Brigham Young

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Ah, the SEASON is approaching!

I am in love with this time of year! It helps that we have been experiencing the most perfect weather possible, 80 degrees with an occasional crispness in the air that takes me back to my childhood. I love this time even more than Christmas, because there is no chaos in the stores yet, or depressing, freezing, endless snow! That’s why Halloween time nearly beats Christmas time in my mind. I have often declared to Pace that Halloween is so much fun for me, and I get this excitement in my heart when I feel that day approaching. (Just ask Rachel how excited I was to take Chase trick-or-treating last year!)

Why do I feel this way about this time of year? It’s hard to pinpoint the exact reason. Maybe it’s just because I love candy so much. Or it could be because the weather and festivities remind me of the excitement of back-to-school time (back when I was excited about school), smoky fire smell in the cool air, crunchy leaves, carving pumpkins, Halloween decor and parties, and, of course, all the fun of trick-or-treating! I happen to have the best parents who would let us be whatever we wanted for Halloween and I would get to wear mom’s makeup since I always wanted to be something dainty! We would trick-or-treat with our cousins for as long as we wanted and then return home to trade candy and eat all that we wanted and then we would fall asleep late due to all the sugar and glee! See, no wonder I have such great feelings associated with this time of year!

Fall is most certainly my favorite season, and for the past couple of weeks I have repeatedly felt the urge to stop by my all-time favorite store (Rodworks) to see what kinds of autumn decor they have on display. Don’t worry, though, I’ve only gone once and I haven’t bought anything (yet); I just love to enter the store, soak in the beauty of it all, and let my heart experience that fleeting, superficial happiness that only a store you love can lend!

To further illustrate my autumn sentiments, I would like to quote the eloquent words of Pace’s cousin (from her blog):

“Lately the weather has finally, finally cooled down, and the mornings smell like Christmas, and Timpanogos has its first sprinkling of snow… And the past few days as I… think of the drives through the canyon to look at fall leaves and the unplanned parking lot snowball fights and the football games and the trick-or-treaters and the baking and decorating and loving and all of these things that are headed my way, I just can’t help it. My breath catches for just a second and then suddenly I inhale so quickly and deeply that my lungs are just about to explode and I get a miniature oxygen high and it’s as though my body needs all that excitement that is in the air to be inside me, immediately. And I don’t choose to do it but it just happens, and every time it thrills me to see how a feeling announces its presence so blatantly, making sure the rest of me doesn’t miss the fact that my heart is so delighted.” –Tracy K.


A Pleasant Getaway


Pace and I just had the best Monday and Tuesday ever! I have been "bugging" Pace for a long time about going to a bed and breakfast for a night together, just to get away from everyday life– for a price far lower than taking a regular vacation. Plus, our baby will likely be born right after Christmas, which is when our anniversary is, and then who knows when we will be able to get away….

So for our early anniversary present to ourselves, we escaped for a night to Johnson Mill in Midway (check out the website). Holy amazingness! Pace picked it out himself, and I was so impressed. Johnson Mill is so beautiful and picturesque, it completely exceeded any expectations I may have had about a bed and breakfast (and the price wasn’t bad, either)! We stayed in the Mt. Timpanogos Room, which was beautifully rustic. We cranked up the a/c so we could have a nice, cozy fire going all the time! Here are a few little snapshots of our room:

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And the views from our balcony:

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We went out to dinner at a little grill nearby, "hiked" around the property to see several small waterfalls and a fun swing they had, went on an evening paddleboat ride on the lake (complete with swans), and had some tasty hot chocolate and treats later in the evening.

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Then we had a leisurely morning, including delicious biscuits and gravy for breakfast on the deck above the big waterfall. Thanks to Rachel for watching Chase for us while we were gone. I couldn’t believe how relaxing and picturesque the whole experience was! I highly recommend this place.


What I love about my family and yours


I love my family. They are so good to me. Chase is so honest and open. He is willing to tell me all sorts of things, like how it’s not dark enough for bed time; and how the food I make him isn’t as goo das mommy’s; and how I’m not allowed to sing a goodnight song b/c mommy does it better. Today we were sitting in the chapel at church and something I ate yesterday wasn’t agreeing with me. So I secretly tried to relieve the gaseous pressure into the cushioned seat I was on. Ahhh success, I felt much better and no one nearby heard anything that would lead back to me. One second later, Chase who was on my lap, said at normal Chase volume. "Smells like someone went poo poo." I’m positive that my uncontrollable giggle tipped some people off that it was me that smelled like I went poo poo. Ah my blessed boy.


My wife is equally a blessing. She always says I love you and does nice things for me. I hardly ever say I love you to her first. Not b/c I don’t want to, it just never crosses my mind to say it first. She makes me cookies almost every week (this week she made those awesome hersey kiss in the middle ones), and she doesn’t care that I get fat b/c of them. She thinks I’m sexy even if I’m not, and she likes just watching tv with me. What a wonderful companion I have. She laughs at my not funny jokes and really laughs at my funny ones. She makes me spend money on her, and she spends lots of money for me. (but not as much as other women).

Thanks for being so amazing family.

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Help ya’ll understand


Living in the Shallow Water

Living in the Shallow Water or in the Deep Waters of Life:
One Matters for Impact!

By Mitt Romney

I don’t remember when it was exactly that I finally went past the sandbar. My family had a summer cottage on the shores of one of the Great Lakes. For the first forty or so feet, the lake is shallow, warm, and protected from big waves by the sandbar. That’s where I spent most of the hot summer days as a boy. I liked it there. One day, my brother got me up on water skis. Perhaps fearing that a turn would make me fall, he drove the boat, and me, straight out into the deep. By the way, this lake is over 100 miles wide. I screamed at him the whole terrifying ride. He took me about a half mile out. But ever after, the deep water was where I wanted to be: surfing in the breakers, water skiing, diving. I got out of the shallow water for good.

Over the years, I have watched a good number of people live out their lives in the shallows.

In the shallows, life is all about yourself, your job, your money, your house, your rights, your needs, your opinions, your ideas, and your comfort.

In the deeper waters, life is about others: family, friends, faith, community, country, caring, commitment. In the deeper waters, there are challenging ideas, opposing opinions, and uncomfortable battles.

Almost every dimension of your life can be held to the shallows or taken into the deeper water. Your career, your involvement with others, your spouse and your children, your politics, each can be lived with you comfortably at the center. Or, they can draw you out of yourself, into service and sacrifice, into selflessness.

At some point in your life, a few of you may be presented with the opportunity to step off your career path, to give yourself fully to some kind of service. When I was asked to leave my investment company to run the Olympics in Salt Lake City, I dismissed the idea out of hand. I was making too much money, I didn’t know bupkes about running a sports event. The job would pay me nothing. The organization was in the worst condition of any I had ever seen.
And, after the Games were over, the position would lead nowhere. It was a dead end.

I took it. It was the highlight of my professional life. I gave more of myself than I ever had before. I came to know and respect remarkable people. There are currencies more lasting than money. It can be enormously rewarding to take the unobvious course, to jump into the deep water. Bias is shallow thinking and shallow water. Read widely, particularly from people who disagree with you. Argue to learn rather than to win. If you don’t respect, I mean really respect, the views of people who disagree with you, then you don’t understand them yet. There are smart people on both sides of almost every important issue. Learn from them all. If you have life all figured out in neat little packages, you’re in Neverland, not the real world. And it’s boring there.

There’s one more thing I’ve seen in the people who swim in the deep waters of life. They don’t fashion their values and principles to suit their self-interest; they live instead by enduring principles that are fundamental to society and to successful, great lives. I learned important lessons about those principles from some of the Olympians I saw in Salt Lake City, like bobsledder Vonetta Flowers.

Vonetta was brakeman on USA sled two. All the attention, however, was on sled one, the sled that had taken the World Cup and was a lock for the Olympic Gold. But just before the Olympics, the pilot of sled one dropped her partner and invited Vonetta Flowers to join her.
Vonetta had a tough decision. On sled one, she’d get a gold medal for sure; the first Olympic gold to be won by an African American in the Olympic Winter Games. Those of us rooting for US metals hoped she would jump to sled one. She didn’t. She decided that friendship and loyalty to her longtime teammate on sled two was more important than winning the gold.

Of course, sled one did well. But when sled two beat them all, coming in first, the crowd went nuts. And tears dripped off Vonetta’s cheeks. Friendship and loyalty above gold.

You live one time only. Don’t spend it in safe, shallow water. Launch out into the deep. Give yourself to your family, to your career, to your community. Open your mind to diverging viewpoints. And live, not by what suits the moment, but by the principles that endure for a lifetime. Jump in, the water’s fine!


UT State’s 4-day workweek starts

Today is the first day of the state’s new four-day workweek.

For about 23,000 state employees, working 9 to 5 is now 7 to 6 as the governor’s four-day workweek kicks in. For those coming to use the state services, “I think it’s good because it’s going to save a lot of gas,” one man told us.

The state’s own survey last month said 56 percent preferred the new schedule. Some employees wonder if those numbers will change after the employees get used to the new schedules.

For the public, if you’re planning to walk in your car taxes on the last day of the month, you’d better hope that’s not on a Friday. Air quality monitoring services will be closed, too, red air quality day or not. And you might be a bit more nervous if you’ve got a bear problem, since wildlife services is on the list of agencies closed on Friday.

The Utah Department of Transportation still will plow snow on Fridays, and you can buy at state liquor stores on Fridays, too.

Estimated Taxpayer savings per year: 3 MILLION!


Fun, quick project

I am not doing this right now, but I have always loved the idea of vinyl wall stickers! I like how they make such a difference in the room, yet they aren’t too dominant, and they’re less "permanent" than paint. I might do something in the next few months with wall stickers in our pending baby’s room… I don’t know for sure yet, though. Mind you, I’m not talking about those bright, cartoony ones that you can find at the Dollar Store or Wal Mart. I’m referring to abstract shapes like the small animal silhouettes that I saw once in a Pottery Barn catalog, or like the flowery ones featured in the link below. Just an interesting idea!




Chase has such a great daddy!


Some work

Well after months of waiting to see it go live, the Trainer Zone (a special area for trainers to get resources from my work) is live and had it’s first visitors. Unfortunately it’s a secure area so I can’t send you there, but I did take a picture of the main page. I’m excited b/c a survey was taken on this new layout and 12 out of 12 answered yes to the following questions: “Overall, is the site organized so you can easily find the information you are searching for?” and “Are you satisfied with the overall usability of the new website?”. To toot my own horn, that was 100% of the users answered that Pace did his job well. Thank you.

Trainer Zone

Some additional comments I’d like to highlight from the survey:

  • “This is a major improvment!!! It is much easier to navigate, the categories make sense.”
  • “Clean & crisp. Very logical.”
  • “I like it; navigation is easy &ampl intuitive. The colors are good as well.”
  • “I like the layout by lesson and the ability to easily find competencies. Organized and made sense.”
  • “I really liked this!”

And of course I took all of those out of context… 🙂 j/k. Well thanks for letting me give myself some gratitude and praise since my bosses are too busy to say anything, but I’ll just forward this post to them for my next quarterly review.