
Chase’s Hair

I have wanted to style Chase’s hair for a while now, but it’s always been so thin that when I put gel in there, it just "deflates" and after about an hour it looks as though no gel was ever there. So Rachel snagged some of Gino’s hair glue stuff when they were here, and it worked great in Chase’s hair! Thanks Rachie! I love the look, so I bought some. I mean, it only takes about 10 seconds to do… What do you think about the little guy’s hair? Baby hair look or big boy hair look? I mean he IS a big boy; he’s almost 2 now! We’ll probably just "style" his hair when we go out and stuff anyway, but I just wondered about everyone else’s opinion concerning this important issue…



“Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam”

Yes, I thought that I was done with Sunbeams when I “graduated” from that primary class, but no. I am now a Sunbeam teacher! I’ll admit, it’s rather fun. I love the cutie little kids, and I get to be overly animated and goofy during my time at church! Lucky. I just have to chug down a 2-liter bottle of caffeinated drink before our 9 am church, and I’m good. 😉 haha just kidding. But really, I think this is a good change even though I was reluctant at first. I will miss those Beehive girls a lot! I was only with this large group for one short year, and I enjoyed that calling a lot. Especially because the girls had this idea in their heads that I was cool or something (in spite of the minivan). That’s always nice. 🙂


First Day of Working Out

Joy and I decided to start getting up at 6:20 and working out from 6:30 till 7. Which is only a few minutes before Chase normally wakes up. This morning was the first morning of our working out. I’m glad to report that we DID actually start this morning and we only started 10 mins late. So then we did 30 minutes of yoga with Fai Chi Min, the overly buff host. I have to say that I felt much better in the shower today than normal. Usually I’m falling asleep standing or fighting the urge to lie down in the shower. I think this will be a great new routine. Hopefully Chase will keep sleeping through the night so we don’t have to put off a day. I think tom, we are going to try Tae Bo.
Anyone have any good recommendations as to what we should do for our 30 min workout?


How harsh

I hope these people can enjoy the smarts behind the marketing of this experiment.

Thoughts, comments?


A Little Update

Well, Chase has been considerably better, in case anyone was wondering. For several days after the flu he was fine, but then throwing up in the late evening times. He’s been all clear for a couple of days, but just this morning he woke up quite early and threw up. So…. I called the pediatrician’s office and the nurse said it’s totally common, but if he continues vomiting for more than 2 weeks, I should bring him in to see the doctor. Wow, 2 weeks? Hm, interesting. Meanwhile, he’s seeming relatively healthy, but is very clingy and wants me to hold him every second. For that reason, I just got our Christmas cards all mailed out today! In other news, my family (except for Ryan and Tina) is coming tonight, to spend the week with us and Rach! It’s been great weather, with no snow for a while, but right now it’s hailing, so I think the storm came in just for them! Happy Holidays!

Below are a few recent photos; as you can see, Chase does NOT smile for the camera!

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Paint is my new best friend!

For my birthday, Pace was generous enough to give me a painted living room! That was the #1 thing I wanted, and that’s what I got! I absolutely love it. Thank you, Pace! What a great guy, huh?!?  The paint color is called Crisp Wheat, and while I didn’t realize it would turn out to be quite so "warm"-looking, I really LOVE the results. It looks like a whole new room and it really makes me want to do the whole house right now! (Haha, yeah right.) I also got a couple of cute shirts from Rachie and my parents gave me some clothes shopping money! I splurged and bought a VERY expensive silk and viscose shirt from Banana Republic. It looked great and fit perfectly when I put it on, so I decided to get it for the holidays (I’ve already worn it to two functions). Now, anyone who knows me would describe me as cheap, so this purchase was uncharacteristic of me, but it felt good to just splurge for once! Thanks for the great birthday, everyone! Alrighty, take a look at the pics, and be sure to click on each one to see more detail.

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Big Fat Frosty

Happy December, everyone! It is a crazy, eventful, exciting time of year. Lots of birthdays, parties, gifts, Pace is about to start a new job, you know, the usual. 😉 Fortunately for us, we’ve only had about three show days this season, which is very unlike Utah. But I love it, because I’m not too fond of the dreary, snowy days. One day I woke up and saw it was snowing, and for about one minute, I thought that was kind of exciting and cozy. But that feeling didn’t last longer than the one minute. Luckily Pace is a good, strong guy and is willing to shovel the snowy driveway so I don’t have to. He also decided to build a snowman on our neighbors’ doorstep last Saturday, which was humorous. He got some of the neighbor kids in on it, and they even provided limes for the eyes and a carrot for the nose. Cute, huh?! The neighbors ended up somehow transporting it over to stick it in the middle of our driveway. What fun!

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Target and Circuit City near our house!

In case you missed it like I did… Southgate Shopping center was announced on the 15th of Nov. and will be bringing some classy retail boxes closer to home. Check out the full details which will require a few holes at Eastbay to be redesigned.

“Southgate will include 59 acres along the east frontage of I-15–the western most portion of the Reserve at East Bay Golf Course. The center will include 459,000 square feet of new retail space and 225,000 square feet of office space. As a comparison, the Provo Towne Centre Mall has 800,000 square feet of leasable space.

Southgate will be developed by the Boyer Company. Boyer has letters of intent from several national retailers including Sports Authority, Petsmart, Circuit City and Target, which will be the anchor tenant of the center.”


Chase’s Latest Adventures

Throwing leaves


Watching movies with cute girls


Taking very long baths


Decorating Rachel’s leg with stickers




Cuddling with sweet southern girls





Thoroughly Moisturized Wedding Rings

If this title intrigues you, read on! Well, this morning I panicked because I couldn’t seem to find my wedding rings anywhere! (Yes there are two of them that I wear together.) See, I know I should just wear them at all times, but I don’t like to wash my face, shower, apply lotion, etc. with them on because they just scratch me and get "stuff" in them. So anyway, I searched all the usual places, but no luck. Despite my panic, I tried to think of where they could be. I remembered  last removing them in the bathroom and placing them in the corner of the bathroom counter. I also recalled getting ready for the day this morning with my constant companion Chase playing happily in the sink while I did so, running the water and tinkering with things on the counter… Uh-oh.

Instantly, an Ensign article I read I long time ago came to my mind, in which a woman accidentally flushed her wedding ring down the toilet. She soon realized that it was gone forever, and decided that she would just have to be humble and replace her wedding ring with a plain silver band. This story affected me at that time because I decided that I never wanted to have any such experience.

I realized now that I really didn’t feel like having that same humbling experience at this point in time (or ever)! I continued to think for a minute, and remembered that Chase had been playing with the bottle of lotion (taste-testing it and such). I listened as I shook the bottle, and sure enough, the rings were in there! I dumped out most of the lotion to get to the rings. There they were, safe and sound. That’s my busy boy!!! I usually do a decent job of keeping things out of Chase’s reach, but this was one of the times that I failed… and almost had to pay a big price for it! Here’s a photo to illustrate the crime scene.
