

Yes, it is already time to register for the 2007 McNFL league. Believe it or not glorious football returns in just three short months and I am determined to have a more exciting season this year! Last year was the rookie experience (i hope you enjoyed) for many of you and with this new season hopefully previous mistakes will be avoided and successful strategies will be copied. I invite everyone who participated last year and anyone who may wish to toss their hat into the fray join up and try to beat out the rest for a shot to become our 2007 McNFL Champion!

Last years inaugural winner was Tiffany Keck, so if you see her on your schedule this season make sure to be prepared for what could be the fight of your life. I hope to see her in a rematch myself as well as some new competition. Good luck everyone and enjoy!

To join visit:
The league ID is 17351
the password is chase


Monday Excitement

We have Momma T, Jessica, and Gino coming into town today. We are very excited to have them around. Joy was up late last night re-cleaning everything we cleaned Sat. and making a list of how we will spend the next week. I’m excited for the jello wrestling, and chocolate cake fight. Then later this month McGrandmami and Tyler are coming to visit… we’re trying to convince McGrandaddy to come too… this morning I said to Chase, Grandma is coming today, and he looked towards the door and made his I’m waiting face, waiting for someone to come right then. Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Also, the other day I was checking the logs of who visits our site, to make sure no weirdos are reading up on us, and also making sure Google isn’t finding us. In the process I see who is visiting and not making comments. One such discovery is a couple (Jeff & Rachelle) that Joy knows, who I think I’ve only meet one time… she linked to our site from her Blog with the link titled: ‘Chase and Joy’. I don’t know what to think!? Either she really didn’t like me, or she thinks Chase is a better match for Joy than I am… 🙁


Lay off the cold medicine

Thanks to Steph Z for this one…
“Ok, I thought this was pretty funny. It’s a traffic report from 100.3 here in Utah (some of you might recognize the person if you listen to that station). The traffic reporter apparently was sick and taking some cold medicine and so was a little loopy. You have to listen to the whole thing which is about 15 seconds long. Apparently it went out live.”


Happy Earth Day

What are you doing for the Earth’s day? Is it the Earth’s birthday? What’s the history of Earth Day?


Chase adds more teeth to the collection!

Yes, folks, it’s true. Our one-year-old little boy now has 4 new teeth (that makes 12 total– that I know of). They are those huge molar ones, two on the top and two on the bottom! He has been pretty grouchy and temperamental lately. Yesterday he had a fever and just wanted to be held and cuddled all day. The day before yesterday was when I discovered the new teeth, and realized that THAT was why he’s been crazy these days! As Pace put it, “Now we know that we don’t have a devil child.”


Trip Recap

We safely arrived home for anyone who was worried. We spent a great 7 days in Charlotte, NC. The weather was perfect for men, and Ph balanced for women. Chase was not very good at all on the trip out and we were glad to have two excited Grandparents to take Chase away. We really, really, really enjoyed sleeping in and relaxing. While we were there we checked out the new man made white water rafting park. While we didn’t plan ahead enough to take a trip down the river, we got in a good walk and sun bath. Other highlights of the week include my disgusting bruise from wrestling Tyler in the kitchen, Pace beating Granddaddy in pool, (yes watch for a trophy soon) Chase swimming at the Y and loving it (yes watch for video soon), celebrating b-days (Paul, pace, Jim, Chase), and watching Tyler win beat down Myers Park in lacrosse. I really enjoyed the trip, I liked hanging out with the family and laughing a lot, and spending time with Joy. On the way back Chase was better, and even fell asleep! The guy next to us was cool too, not b/c he was drinking before 9am, but b/c he let Chase sit on his lap to look out the window.

What do ya’ll usually do when you go on a vacation?
PS put your LOST comments on last week’s post b/c it’s still on the front page


Happy Bday

Happy birthday to the man who conceived me.


Happy Birthday Paul!!!

and Pace too I guess,

I hope my whole family enjoys celebrating today without me. Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina. 🙁



***Warning: contains spoilers***

B/c I watched this before anyone else… I enjoyed tonights episode b/c we learned that Kate really killed her mom and dad. And I can’t believe that Ben is Kate’s biological father! WOW what an episode. No actually, the only thing that was interesting was.. why don’t they know what the black thing is? Why can’t it go through electromagnetic walls, and why did Juliet have a key? OH and WHERE did the Others go? It’s an island, and they don’t have a sub.




Thank you, Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa T for the amazing grill you got me for my birthday. We will enjoy it very much, we’ve already cooked amazing burgers and chicken. The BBQ tools you sent will are also greatly appreciated!!! Your kindness is far beyond what is expected. Everyone is welcome to come over and test out this awesome BBQ (you bring the meat, I’ll bring the BBQ)