
Beyond Balderdash Score

Welcome to McBlog Beyond Balderdash, where the points really don’t matter. And the real definition that I choose previous to posting was: a Canadian word for making out.

PointsHere’s the score for this weeks game, if you didn’t post, try to read MCBlog more frequently. Thanks to all those who played. Currently, Cotton has 5000 points for being funny, close to the real asnwer, and rhyming. Joy had 7000 points but lost 6001 because she called names; leaving her with 999. Ryan Gardner had 3000 points, lost 3001 for saying he was right, but gained 601 for saying he had documentation. Jason McG has 0 points b/c after I told him the answer he posted it. Steph Z has 1000 points for describing the thing that everyone hates touching when they have to reach into the disposal. Good work everyone, so the winners in alphabetical order are: Cotton, Joy, Ryan G., Steph Z.