Married Lessons

Marriage Lesson

“Do not expect perfection in your choice of a mate. Do not be so concerned about his physical appearance and his bank account that you overlook his more important qualities. Of course, he should be attractive to you, and he should be able to financially provide for you. But does he have a strong testimony? Does he live the principles of the gospel and magnify his priesthood? Is he active in his ward and stake? Does he love his home and family, and will he be a faithful husband and good father? These are the qualities that really matter.” –President Ezra Taft Benson, To the Single Adult Sisters of the Church, 9/24/88)

I like this quote because I think that people from our generation who are even interested in marriage at all are too focused on finding someone who is “perfect”, extremely good looking, or with a lot of money/financial security, which things can be desirable in this life, it’s true. However, these types of features are fleeting and shaky; they can change at any time, and don’t last into eternity anyway. I feel extremely blessed to be married to a guy who fulfills these types of eternal goals and who is a great husband and future father in the ways that truly matter. Yes, once again, I’m bragging about Pace! 😉