Married Lessons

Chase James McCulloch

Wow, thanks Ty! That is awesome, I’m gone for a day in the hospital and my lil bro covers everything perfectly. Man I have great bros. Yes Tyler is right, he was born in under four hours (arrived at hospital around 7:15AM and Chase was born at 10:42 AM), 7 pounds five ounces, 19 plus inches, and healthier than a McCulloch. We are SO proud and very excited, we are very open to visitors if you are in the area, but we hope to be discharged by noon tom (Sat). I’m just writing this real fast while home on a pit stop before I go back for the night. Also there are some pictures posted for those not in the area at our McPhotos page b/c that’s what I had setup and I don’t want to take the time to make it look great. There is also short video of Chase blinking and stuff (no time to make it streaming so you’ll download it and it will play with quicktime or windows media player, 6.0MB). Enjoy, love you all.

UPDATE! We are back home now, and are getting settled in. Joy has dressed Chase in cute baby clothes that we recieved as gifts and trying to nap. If you would like to stop by give Joy a call to see if it’s a good time. Pace is going to upload more pictures and video soon, stay tuned long distance Chase fans! Love ya’ll