Last night Pace, Chase & I went on a group date to the Nickelcade in Orem. We went with Darin & Nada, and Rachel & Dustin (Rachel’s new “friend”). It was lots of fun, and we all took turns holding Chase, in and out of the baby carrier, despite his obvious distaste for the noisy place. Once I had him in the carrier and was sitting there playing a monster truck racing game with Rachel, when I suddenly felt some kind of warm liquid seeping onto my clothing. Before you get too grossed out, I will reveal what it was. Chase was peeing on me. The interesting thing was that it was right on the crotch area of my jeans, not the best location for liquid to appear. I had Pace come over and take Chase so I could survey the damage, and he didn’t believe me when I told him what had happened, because the baby was completely dry. See, Chase is pretty amazing sometimes, in that he can pee up his back or out the sides of his diaper. I can’t even begin to explain how any of this happens, but it happens nonetheless. Anyway, I then took Chase outside to the car to change his diaper. I was still wearing the baby carrier and probably looked a bit frazzled. As I was digging for my keys in the baby bag, I had a bit of a mommy moment, just thinking that it’s official, I’m a real mom now with baby pee on my pants and all. I put Chase in the trunk of the car to change his diaper (probably a shady-looking thing to a lot of people, but what can you do). As I was leaning over to change the baby’s diaper, a guy driving by whistled, I guess at me since I was the only one around, and I just had to chuckle to myself, thinking yeah he has no idea….