
Google for President

As soon as I think Google is the coolest thing around, I find out something else they offer for free and I think, Google RULES! So I had heard of Picasa and I know that Brad and Tiffany use it to upload their photos. Well I had 42 images i wanted to add to our system. The thing is I have to crop and resize each one so they don’t take up a ton of space on our server… anyway this lead me to think how bout I try out Picasa. Anyway 90 seconds later, I’m watching this sweet application (that seems to do everything the application I paid for) scan my hard drive and grab photos from everywhere. Then 40 seconds after that they were uploaded to Google’s server… so now I’m torn… ever though I only get a gig on Picasa… it was SO easy… what do you guys think? Picasa(view the album) or McPhotos? why?

Oh and lets try this…

OH, looks like it doesn’t work.. j/k wait for it, that’s pretty cool… I could prob do something with that…