
Toddler Therapy Time

This morning, I broke the usual routine of playing outside all morning by taking Chase to “Music and Movement” time at the Springville City Library. It’s a 30 minute program for toddlers (ages 18 months to 3 years old) in which some volunteers lead the group in singing, rhymes, and dancing. It was so funny to watch Chase staring at the other kids, following their motions, running around the room, going in front of the group to try to lead them, etc. He is on the younger end of the group, seeing as how he’s not quite 18 months old yet, but he’s close enough (3 weeks away). We had fun indoors, then went out to play on the playground
and with the lifelike bronze statues of children in action (I took photos but Pace is putting Vista on our computer so everything is kind of misplaced at the moment.)

So how could I have been gone all morning when he usually naps at that time, you ask? Well, I think it’s official: He’s down to one nap now. This is fine with me; however, it’s not fine when it only lasts one hour like it did yesterday. Hopefully it’s just short because he’s in transition from 2 naps to 1, because I will not be very thrilled to have only one hour to do everything I need to for the day, including all my customer service work! I may have to quit that side job…

I invited a few of our neighbor friends to tag along for the morning, but no one else wanted to participate in the fun and games, so we just went and met new people there. I felt comfortable with everyone else, except that I wanted to videotape some parts, but I felt like the other moms would chuckle at this first-time mom videotaping her precious little angel. But I will just do it anyway next week because it was pretty entertaining. I just want our family and friends in “distant lands” to be able to see how much fun Chase can be sometimes!