
Apple Event

Unlike the big yawn of an event Steve had a bit ago, today’s event brought us what will changed the gadget world. A wi-fi enabled, touchscreen iPod. Very cool. It’s an iPhone without the phone, and Att contract. Oh and that cool iPhone only comes in a 8 GB model now. And it’s 400 bones instead of 600… that really stinks for those of you who recently forked out 600 for one. Anyway the iPod touch seems pretty cool. Besides the usual it has a browser! So it’s like a lil bitty computer. The iPod nano got turn into a fat pumpkin I guess it was out past midnight or something… but Gino likes it. What do you think of the new line up?


We’re dining in style now!

We are so excited about our new dining set! (See photos below, click on them to enlarge.) You see, I’ve been okay with our old table for a long time (I bought it at D.I. for $35 when we got married and Pace painted the legs black for me so it’s sentimental). But that one has been quite wobbly ever since we moved here nearly a year ago (CRAZY). It broke during our move to this house, and we have been just dealing with it ever since.

But now… this set is amazing! It is so sturdy and gorgeous. It is cherry wood with a capuccino –aka dark brown– stain. It has six chairs but only four have arrived– and it was a pain to actually get those from the guy! (Long story, but basically I don’t recommend buying furniture from this store although the owner was indeed a kindly man.) The table has butterfly leaves, so the leaves fold out from their storage in the center. It seats about 8-10 people when the butterfly leaves are out. We love it– it’s been very convenient! TMom and Rachel picked it out for us, based on some hints I had previously dropped. Thank you to the TParents who purchased it for us, basically because I was jealous of all the new furniture in the nearby townhouse that Rachel is now inhabiting. Yes, we may be labeled as spoiled. But at least we are also grateful, huh? πŸ˜‰

I also went to our new local Rodworks store (which has home decor that I LOVE– Becky introduced me to it) and I bought these frames to complement the new table. Pace helped me crop the photos and make them sepia tone. I am very happy with the effect! I don’t really like to spend money on things, but I felt somewhat justified in buying these frames because the picture that was in this spot before was a small $7 Ansel Adams photo from Walmart. πŸ™‚ Anyway, what do you think?

New Kitchen


Chase the Little Helper

I just thought I’d mention that Chase is talking up a storm lately! It’s so cute, even though half the time we have no idea what he’s saying. But he seems to know what he’s talking about! His newest words are variations of lawnmower, vacuum, bath time, etc. He is so much fun these days, and still so active!

Chase also really likes to be assigned tasks to help out with things. So lately, if Pace is downstairs in the office room, he’ll write me a note and tell Chase to go give it to me. Chase will diligently seek me out and give me the note, wherever I am in the house. We are going to get fat because we don’t have to actually get up and walk to each other to talk; we just give a note to Chase and he gets it there safe and sound. πŸ™‚ What a good life we have!