
Oh and btw…

Yuck bleah, ewwww! Just read this headline “Fans ponder Dumbledore gay revelation”. I know some big Harry Potter fans, and all I have to say is..I’m sorry, but your author is a sell out. I see this as J.K. Rowling’s taking a big pay out from some pro gay group. Who writes 7 books and then just as the last one is coming out says oh yeah, that main character, he’s gay.
From the press conference: “I announce Dumbledore is gay, and please understand the new movie will be rated X due to the love scene, oh by the way, Harry is gay too, oh and by the way Ron is a republican (since they paid more than the democrats) oh and by the way Lord Voldermort loves the NRA. To have your group represented by one of my characters, please send large amounts of cash to J.K. Rowling’s, PO Box S10UT, England. Thank you.” –source

Thoughts? This change anything for you die hards?