
“Tee Tee Teet!” (aka “Trick or treat”)

Yes, Halloween was SUCH a long time ago, but we have had computer issues lately, so here I am finally posting about Halloween. Basically it was pretty fun, and I’ll admit I was as into it– if not more into it– than Chase was. First, we got to go to Daddy’s work to trick-or-treat around the offices. I wasn’t sure how this would all pan out. I was surprised at how easy it was to convince Chase to wear the tiger costume (courtesy of the TGrandparents) and to get his face drawn on with my eyeliner. And then when we got there, he caught on to the idea of getting candy pretty easily. However, he would rarely say trick-or-treat or thank you, which irked us because he knows how to talk and everything now! He’s just too modest about his talents… 😉 Everyone said he was sooo cute. So then Rachel came over in her hot little cat costume– I just sported the simple cowgirl look. We took Chase around while Pace stayed home to watch Star Trek and hand out candy. It was a lot of fun because we know most of the people in this area, seeing as how it’s our ward. We probably made it to about 35 houses! It was awesome. Chase would only occasionally say trick or treat ("tee tee teet!"). But apparently that was acceptable because he got plenty of candy out of it! I kept trying to convince him to grab the chocolate candies out of the bowls, but to no avail… he kept taking the suckers because those are his sticky favorite for some reason– just ask Rachel about the texture of her hair by the end of the evening! Anywho. It was a great time for all!  

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