
Chase Chase Bo Base


Thank you everyone, for your support in my time of trial– losing the longest blog post I’ve ever written was hard, but I must go on. Really, I hardly even REMEMBER what I even said. It was a “Chase post” though, so as you can imagine I was going on and on… I could actually sum it up in four words: Chase is so cute. (He is talking up a storm and it entertains us/makes us chuckle on a regular basis.) Maybe I will summarize what I said before with bullet points to make it more approachable.

–I was reading Chase a book the other day in which a boy was putting his bib on for dinner. Upon seeing this picture, Chase shook his head and firmly stated, “No, I doh-wannit.” (He does not enjoy the bib.)

–Chase’s favorite activity lately is to drag a chair to a desirable location (usually a location that is generally forbidden to him) and exploring/conquering the area. In this case it was the front door, which he repeatedly unlocked and locked, then announced laughingly, “I lock the door!” (This is one of the full sentences he has been saying lately).

–Tonight Pace gave Chase a piece of a pickle to eat and I said, “That’s pretty huge!” And then Chase refused to eat it. He kept saying, “No, HUGE!” Pace thanked me for my influence on our son. 😉

–Just now we were having a big family hug and Chase said in a sentimental tone, “Family.”

–Chase loves saying prayers, with our help. He has even gotten to the point where he’s about to have a big bite of food, but he’ll put it back down to have the prayer first. 🙂 When one of us is saying the prayer, Chase likes to insert his own words to have his say. His favorites are: food, car, Rachel, Daddy, Audrey (his friend), and shower. What fun!

–I am glad to say that Chase has finally been sleeping through the night again for the past few days. I don’t want to jinx it by assuming that this will be the new trend, but I will just say that I am grateful for the current circumstances!