
Man in the mirror

Starting with the man in the mirror, I’ve started on a path of self change. This life changing experience can be done with or without religion, drugs, or doctors. You will need muscles and determination. What is this life changing program?


Let me explain how I came to this conclusion. I recently had some time to sit in bed without my family in the house, nice and quite. I decided I didn’t like the way I was acting. I seemed to be pessimistic, always looking for how to insult or complain; and not that I always vocalized it but the thoughts would always come. Thinking that wasn’t the type of person I used to be, or want to be, I decided I’d figure out how to change. So after many repeat plays of Michal Jackson, and 4 day trip with my boss, the impression hit me in the airport on the way home to my amazing family. You should be smiling, you have an awesome life and you are headed home to have a great time. Smile.

So off I was, set to smile no matter the perceived consequences. As we were waiting to board the plane, I smiled. As I went to the bathroom, I smiled. As we sat down in our seats I smiled. And I felt great! For the first time that week I was excited and enthusiastic. This was great! Then I looked over and saw the stewardess, she seemed to have a long day and was not smiling about this red eye flight to UT. So I determined I would smile at her and see if this was contagious. She started into the safety speech, I think I was the only one watching, and for sure the only one smiling at her. Then as she came by for drinks she was met with more smiling and politness. By the end of the flight she was smiling! It worked, it is contagious.

So now for the experiment. I need to smile as much as possible for a whole week and see how I feel and who else around me catches on. I’ll tell you now it’s not as easy as you think. You’re face starts to hurt, and you frequently forget that you should be smiling. So, I challenge you to join my experiment. Smile as much as you can this week, smile when you usually wouldn’t, in the car driving by yourself, in the morning, at work, smile all the time. You’ll be amazed at the change in your attitude and in the reactions that you’ll get from around you. Report back her in the comments, I’ll start off the reporting with my experience with Joy.