
BPA-free Options

This is a sort of follow-up post on the one Pace previously posted, on the issue of BPA (bisphenol-a) in plastic drinking bottles. To catch anyone up who hasn’t heard, most plastic bottles (baby and adult) contain BPA that have been linked to serious physical harm including various forms of cancer. I am mainly concerned about Chase in this case, because he drinks out of these things quite regularly, and I would prefer that he not be therefore doomed to certain maladies. I mean, he can drink out of a cup perfectly well, but I like sippy cups for on-the-go and especially in the car. Besides, I even feel bad drinking out of disposable bottles and then just throwing them in the recycle bin, so I should probably convert to Nalgene or the like anyway. So although Pace and I are trying to stop spending money on things we want, I think this is something that is somewhat life or death… Therefore, we’ll most likely be getting one of the following types of bottles, making sure beforehand that it’s BPA-free!

The sites below have kid bottles that you can get, and in order from cheapest to most expensive is Nalgene, Camelbak, then Klean Kanteen. So go get your kiddos (and yourself) some new sippies!

P.S. I must give credit to my friend Melissa for featuring the Klean Kanteen on her blog first!