
What is going on?

I haven’t been blogging because I feel like there is too much to blog about! Overwhelming. So I decided that I will just post some recent photos with captions and that will be good enough!

Well Rachel is casually dating this guy (note the arms). Chase is fond of him as well:


Chase was especially cute in this photo so I had to put it up!


And this one too (Daddy had made us a nice outdoor breakfast):


Okay, here’s one that’s NOT about Chase: Jessica is now here going to school at BYU! Dad and Mom brought her out (sorry I didn’t take pictures…). Also, her BF Matt was able to come for a short surprise visit! We’re glad to have Jess here, and thanks SO MUCH Dad and Mom for spoiling us! Mom got to stay for the week and helped a ton with Chase so I could rest. We love you, Parents!


A couple weeks ago we enjoyed a VERY tasty BBQ dinner at Brad and Tiffany’s (thanks, guys!). Chase and Kyle enjoyed the sand and water table, and Chase enjoyed getting the sand and water all over Kyle… luckily Kyle liked it.

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Pace is being the best husband EVER! Some people get bugged when others brag about their spouses, but Pace has just been exceptional and I feel very blessed. He is so handy and smart, he takes care of me and others, and he has just been so understanding (as I have not been feeling great at all the last couple months). He does whatever needs to be done and constantly asks what he can help out with. I love him. Thank you, Pace!


Chase enjoys exploring art at the local museum.

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He also enjoys doing artwork with food at home! (I am getting better at loosening up and letting him make big messes).

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Also, we got to see a big hot air balloon land closeby a couple weeks ago, and they gave kids little rides, but Chase was too scared of the noise. He also got to go to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time for his friend Rhett’s birthday (thanks again, Ryan and Aubrey)! And as for me, I am at least starting to feel a little better than I have been. We’re having fun!