
Fun, Random Stuff!

Here’s a smattering of stuff Chase has been up to! I have tons of Chase pictures, and I think I need to assert myself more and have others take pictures so I can be part of the memories! Especially before I become too prego-looking to want to be in the photos! But anyway.

Here is Chase with a couple of neighbor kids. He absolutely loves playing with any kid, any time! I like to call Chase and this little girl "the twins" because they look similar, and they were born 3 days apart!

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I forgot to blog about this a couple weeks ago, but Rach was watching some kids and I had Chase and another kid with me. We took them to a fun jumpy place, then had lunch at Wendy’s. We had fun and everyone was quite well-behaved! I just thought this little scene was just too funny to pass up the photo opportunity!


Another day, Chase smeared jello on his head at Rachel’s house, then posed for this picture!


He really likes to build and arrange things. Here’s one of his creations that I came across: a lineup of golf balls on the garage door, so they would all fall down when daddy got home and opened the garage door. It really worked! 🙂


Another thing he decided to do was grab some sandwich bags and put two of them on each of his feet, so he could have shoes for inside the house. It made me laugh!


Grandpa T. is here for Education Week, and we’ve enjoyed hanging out with him and Rachel a lot (Rachel has a life at the moment because she’s not back in school quite yet)!


And for those who are curious, here is a photo of me right now, at 21 weeks along (just past the halfway mark!). This is the first "belly photo" I have taken; I figured it was about time! (I don’t know how to crop photos on here, so excuse all the extra white space on the sides.)
