Married Lessons

My Husband!

I love Pace. I also love summertime, because that’s when we do the most grilling! Well, PACE does it, which is so nice. We had steak kabobs last Sunday for lunch, and they were so beautiful that I just had to take a photo and make everyone salivate!


Also Pace is such a great dad and husband! He was very helpful to me this week because I slept really weird on my neck somehow, and couldn’t move it for two days! SO painful, I cannot even explain. So I called cousin Darin and he gave me the advice of having Pace "aggressively" massage my neck and shoulders, and then to ice the area. Luckily, thanks to Pace’s massages, the pain is almost gone now, and I am thankful #1 for Pace (and Darin!), and #2 that I normally have a pain-free neck because it was hard for me to not wrestle or play much with Chase! Here are some photos of Pace being a cute dad. 🙂

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Public Service Announcement

Layoff the creams

Certain commonly available skin creams may cause skin tumors, at least in mice, and experts should be checking to see if they might cause growths in people as well, researchers reported on Thursday.

The cancers are not melanoma, the deadliest kind of skin cancer, they stressed in their report in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, but another type called squamous cell carcinoma. Such tumors are slow growing, highly treatable and only fatal if patients fail to have them removed. (BUT STILL who wants to grow tumors!?)

-second opinion

Public Service Announcement

Red Bull drink lifts stroke risk

Just one can of the popular stimulant energy drink Red Bull can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, even in young people, Australian medical researchers said on Friday.

One hour after they drank Red Bull, (their blood systems) were no longer normal. They were abnormal like we would expect in a patient with cardiovascular disease,” Scott Willoughby, lead researcher from the Cardiovascular Research Centre at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, told the Australian newspaper.

-full article


Lookout Vonage and Skype

When people like something, the big boys will follow. Just saw an ad for T-Mobile $10 a month service at your home. While nearing my $5 a month skype bill, this hookup has some advantages. Here’s the readers digest version: Pay 50 bucks to get the Tmobile router made by Linksys. Plug-in your normal phone into one of the two phone jacks coming off the router. Now pay t-mobile 10 bucks a month and call nationwide with unlimited minutes, and caller id, call waiting, etc. (same features as Vonage and Skype). Talk and talk and talk. Oh but don’t forget the highspeed internet provided by someone else.

Good news with this setup is you can keep your hardware so if you plunked down $ for a good phone you don’t have to buy a special skype phone. Anyway, for those of you who keep running out of minutes on your lame cell phone plans might want to look into a backup phone, this is a pretty grandparent friendly system. I can’t imagine it being long before Verizon, and AT&T follow suite.

Have you seen VOIP deals in your area? Do you use it? Which one & why?


Buyer Beware

Couldn’t get this one embedded with out some hacking, and i didn’t feel like doing that. So just go to the link and watch it, it could save you thousands and even your life. I’m going home and checking the tires I just bought right after work.

It’s an ABC special about the number codes on tires, and how they tell you when the tire was made. Some retailers including Sears and Walmart are selling 7+ year old tires as new. What’s the problem with that? Studies show that the rubber on tires begins to break down after 6 years. Watch it, check em, and be safe! Thanks for this one Grandpa.


Living in the Shallow Water

Living in the Shallow Water or in the Deep Waters of Life:
One Matters for Impact!

By Mitt Romney

I don’t remember when it was exactly that I finally went past the sandbar. My family had a summer cottage on the shores of one of the Great Lakes. For the first forty or so feet, the lake is shallow, warm, and protected from big waves by the sandbar. That’s where I spent most of the hot summer days as a boy. I liked it there. One day, my brother got me up on water skis. Perhaps fearing that a turn would make me fall, he drove the boat, and me, straight out into the deep. By the way, this lake is over 100 miles wide. I screamed at him the whole terrifying ride. He took me about a half mile out. But ever after, the deep water was where I wanted to be: surfing in the breakers, water skiing, diving. I got out of the shallow water for good.

Over the years, I have watched a good number of people live out their lives in the shallows.

In the shallows, life is all about yourself, your job, your money, your house, your rights, your needs, your opinions, your ideas, and your comfort.

In the deeper waters, life is about others: family, friends, faith, community, country, caring, commitment. In the deeper waters, there are challenging ideas, opposing opinions, and uncomfortable battles.

Almost every dimension of your life can be held to the shallows or taken into the deeper water. Your career, your involvement with others, your spouse and your children, your politics, each can be lived with you comfortably at the center. Or, they can draw you out of yourself, into service and sacrifice, into selflessness.

At some point in your life, a few of you may be presented with the opportunity to step off your career path, to give yourself fully to some kind of service. When I was asked to leave my investment company to run the Olympics in Salt Lake City, I dismissed the idea out of hand. I was making too much money, I didn’t know bupkes about running a sports event. The job would pay me nothing. The organization was in the worst condition of any I had ever seen.
And, after the Games were over, the position would lead nowhere. It was a dead end.

I took it. It was the highlight of my professional life. I gave more of myself than I ever had before. I came to know and respect remarkable people. There are currencies more lasting than money. It can be enormously rewarding to take the unobvious course, to jump into the deep water. Bias is shallow thinking and shallow water. Read widely, particularly from people who disagree with you. Argue to learn rather than to win. If you don’t respect, I mean really respect, the views of people who disagree with you, then you don’t understand them yet. There are smart people on both sides of almost every important issue. Learn from them all. If you have life all figured out in neat little packages, you’re in Neverland, not the real world. And it’s boring there.

There’s one more thing I’ve seen in the people who swim in the deep waters of life. They don’t fashion their values and principles to suit their self-interest; they live instead by enduring principles that are fundamental to society and to successful, great lives. I learned important lessons about those principles from some of the Olympians I saw in Salt Lake City, like bobsledder Vonetta Flowers.

Vonetta was brakeman on USA sled two. All the attention, however, was on sled one, the sled that had taken the World Cup and was a lock for the Olympic Gold. But just before the Olympics, the pilot of sled one dropped her partner and invited Vonetta Flowers to join her.
Vonetta had a tough decision. On sled one, she’d get a gold medal for sure; the first Olympic gold to be won by an African American in the Olympic Winter Games. Those of us rooting for US metals hoped she would jump to sled one. She didn’t. She decided that friendship and loyalty to her longtime teammate on sled two was more important than winning the gold.

Of course, sled one did well. But when sled two beat them all, coming in first, the crowd went nuts. And tears dripped off Vonetta’s cheeks. Friendship and loyalty above gold.

You live one time only. Don’t spend it in safe, shallow water. Launch out into the deep. Give yourself to your family, to your career, to your community. Open your mind to diverging viewpoints. And live, not by what suits the moment, but by the principles that endure for a lifetime. Jump in, the water’s fine!


I love my Aunt

I like playing hide and seek, my aunts and uncles aren’t very good at it. Want to watch me play with Rachel?

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Solution to my problems

a group of scientists at the Delft University of Technology is aiming to harness the wind in a different way: by using kites to generate electricity. A recent test generated 10 kilowatts, or enough juice to power 10 homes, and the plan is to eventually send an array of kites called the Laddermill up to 30,000 feet in order to generate nearly 10 megawatts of power.

Wind power, great, great, great idea. I love it. Just put one of these in each neighborhood.


Stealing is a sin and a crime!

A 36-year-old man who bought a hamburger and fries also wanted a cup of water. But police say he filled his cup with carbonated soda.

The manager told the man to pay up. When he wouldn’t, the manager yanked his cup and tried to stop him. Police say the man hit the manager in the jaw and threw his burger in the manager’s face.

The suspect later was arrested and charged with felony robbery.

Dad, good thing that guy didn’t press charges when you ate some of his fries, when you thought his tray was yours. 🙂



What a fun life

I wanted to tell you about how much fun I’ve been having with my family. I have been blessed with the best family ever, and that includes most of you reading this. Today we went bowling for Family Night. I had so much fun! But at my age it’s hard to stay focused and wait for my turn. I scored pretty good, at one point I was beating Rachel and Mommy. Daddy won this time, soon I’ll be able to keep up with him. Watch this video of me bowling!
What should I do with the family next week?

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