
Just Relax, Honey.

At this point in Chase’s life, Pace and I have never been more frustrated, nor more “charmed” by him. His strong personality and sense of humor keep us on our toes; sometimes we laugh and lots of other times Chase is sitting on time out for his little attitude. Here’s a funny example showcasing Chase’s personality, “this just in” from this morning.

Scenario: Chase and I were sitting at the little black table in his room, coloring (which lasted about 3 minutes as usual). He got out the white crayon and started scribbling on the black table, so I told him not to do that because we color on paper and not on the furniture. He said it’s the only way the white crayon will work. I told him again not to color on there, and he just shook his head and said softly, “Just relax, honey.”

Oh my. Who IS this kid!?!? I think he’s just heard this line from his daddy lately, since mommy has been flipping out and dealing with contractions, etc. Good times!