Chase Adventures McVideos

SLC Discovery Museum

The other week while Grandma Gretchen (aka GG) was here, we three took a trip to the discovery museum up at the Gateway. It would be really really cool, if it were free… at $8.50 a head it is skip-able. BUT Chase doesn’t care about money, and therefore he loved it! When you first walk in there is a beehive kind of thing that sucks, moves, shoots, spins those plastic balls. It was pretty cool how they figured to entertain kids by getting them used to manual labor. I could see in Chase’s mind the process: Must collect balls, take balls up stairs, dump balls into bin, repeat. And boy did he repeat. Over and over again. I thought if only I made a penny for every ball delivered. They should hook generators op to those things, the kids could power the whole building if 1 ball dropped in = 1 watt. OK ok I’m done with the ballhive.

SO that thing was cool and I thought this place is gonna ROCK. Well it was the coolest thing there, in my opinion. Chase did enjoy the over sized doll house (yawn) and the oversized farm, and oversized jeep (That didn’t move). Upstairs they had things for older kids, like puzzles, magnetic stuff, a wall to put pvc pipe and make more balls drop, and a full sized life flight helicopter. (ok that was cool too).

So our final reviews: Chase- “When can we go again?” Pace- “Save your money, take em to the dump with a bunch of plastic balls”.

Now videos for your enjoyment.

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