
Sweet Girl

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Okay, it’s 11 am, I’m quite behind in all the housework, and I’m sitting here in my sweats… but I wanted to finally update you on sweet baby Charlotte! She is so cute and I love her!!! (duh.) I am just so happy she is in our life. She is “smiley” and we just love it when she goes for a few minutes of just smiling and shrieking! I love this stage where they start trying to “talk” by making all sorts of cute sounds. And of course I can never get over that intoxicatingly sweet, delicious baby smell.

Charlotte is relatively easygoing and predictable. I KNOW that if I’d had her first, I would wonder WHY people think newborns/babies are so hard! I mean, part of it is that I have learned so much about what I’m doing since we had Chase. And of course there IS still work involved and I’m still tired and all (getting out of bed is always a challenge for me), but when she naps I have time to do housework, do stuff with Chase, check the computer and snack on quick, easy, unhealthy things– haha!).

This would normally be the post where I’m supposed to record all her 2 month stats, but I decided that since I am still overwhelmed by all the costly bills we are paying off right now from her birth (although she’s COMPLETELY worth it!), I would just skip the 2 month appt. and have those first shots delayed ‘til next time. I WILL still have her get shots and all, but 2 months behind each time.  For your info: Charlotte is healthy and happy; she weighs 13 lbs. (is that big?) and I think she’s rather tall because she’s been in 3-6 month clothes since 6 weeks (some of those are even getting too short too).

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Here she was a few weeks ago with her little friend Elle (Ryan & Aubrey’s baby). They just stared at each other and Elle wanted to squeeze Charlotte’s face! And in that second picture Charlotte’s face just looked really cute although mine didn’t… hahah!